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Looks like we have a new winner for dirtiest wrestler


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This guy isn't dirty, he's downright criminal. That wasn't wrestling, that was 'assault with intent to do bodily harm.'

He needs to be disciplined by removing him from eligibility for wrestling. Good time for him to start his MMA training.

Whichever of his coaches were aware of what was happening in the match and did nothing to stop it, they need to be harshly disciplined. 

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  On 1/30/2023 at 3:43 AM, GreatWhiteNorth said:

This guy isn't dirty, he's downright criminal. That wasn't wrestling, that was 'assault with intent to do bodily harm.'

He needs to be disciplined by removing him from eligibility for wrestling. Good time for him to start his MMA training.

Whichever of his coaches were aware of what was happening in the match and did nothing to stop it, they need to be harshly disciplined. 


Oh my goodness! I am going to file a police report on him right now!! ASSAULT!! ASSAULT!! 

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  On 1/30/2023 at 4:01 AM, JackrabbitFan239 said:

Oh my goodness! I am going to file a police report on him right now!! ASSAULT!! ASSAULT!! 



  On 1/30/2023 at 4:10 AM, JackrabbitFan239 said:

I just called the police. They are on their way to Colorado now to arrest the perpetrator. 


You created a new username just for these two posts? Ok.

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Drowning in data, but thirsting for knowledge

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  On 1/30/2023 at 5:08 AM, JackrabbitFan239 said:

When it comes to assault I take things rather seriously. Are you dismissing the significance of the assault?


You are hiding behind a brand new username because you don't have the courage to use your real username. That shows a serious lack of not only courage, but also intelligence and creativity. You obviously aren't a particularly bright bulb.

You seem fixated on the word 'assault' ... I used it as a metaphor. This would be a good chance for a dim bulb like yourself to learn something. Google it. PM me if you are still confused. I am always available to assist fellow wrestlers who want to do better for themselves.


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Well considering this is a rather new forum it's not entirely unusual to have a new username but go off and obsess with that. Its just comical that you see this as assault. It was deserving of mockery, so that is what you received. If you need a tissue I can help you get one, just PM me about it. What I don't understand is how that overhook whizzer caused so much pain. Either the underhook should be strong enough to withstand that whizzer or it should be so shallow that it would come right out. Seems like SDSU wrestler was being a bit limp and not giving much resistance.

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  On 1/30/2023 at 5:52 AM, JackrabbitFan239 said:

Well considering this is a rather new forum it's not entirely unusual to have a new username but go off and obsess with that. Its just comical that you see this as assault. It was deserving of mockery, so that is what you received. If you need a tissue I can help you get one, just PM me about it. What I don't understand is how that overhook whizzer caused so much pain. Either the underhook should be strong enough to withstand that whizzer or it should be so shallow that it would come right out. Seems like SDSU wrestler was being a bit limp and not giving much resistance.


What about the Chattanooga wrestler?  Fernandes did it twice in a span of about 15 seconds in that match.

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The problem here is the ref and the coach -- not so much the kid, who is an established bad apple and by the eye test probably irredeemable.  That the referee and his coach would see that happening in front of their eyes and not firmly put a stop to it before his opponent was injured is indefensible and, in my opinion, both of them should be reviewed by their superiors to decide if it's appropriate for them to continue in positions of authority.  

It's pitiful as far as the referee goes because he's on the mat with them, a foot away from the completely inappropriate illegal moves, and it's the first duty of his job to ensure the wrestlers' safety.

It's pitiful as far as the coach goes because this is not an isolated incident and there's no way he can claim he didn't know that this kid is a problem.

Why in the hell did Hahn have to be the one to put a stop to it?  Well anyway, true to his good character, he stepped in, and, true to his good character, he didn't beat the crap out of the kid and the other coach as I'm sure he wanted to.   

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  On 1/31/2023 at 3:07 AM, JackrabbitFan239 said:

The kid got disqualified for illegal move and his team gave up six points. He is clearly suspended or has received punishment as he didn't compete in their next competition. I don't think there was anything else illegal except the overhook.


The thing that stood out to me (other than the elbow thing) was after the ref stopped the match and talked to both wrestlers presumably to say take it easy, as soon as he blew the whistle for the next restart Fernandes basically punches Cook in the head.  I’m not sure that would’ve been worthy of throwing him out, but should’ve at least been a penalty point.

  On 1/31/2023 at 3:08 AM, JackrabbitFan239 said:

I'm going to go out on a limb and say it was probably in reference to the Agony in Ames event in 2018 when the athlete was in high school


Did he knock someone out?  Wtf is a “KO bonus” supposed to mean?

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