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No ID required. License to steal.


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  On 4/29/2024 at 9:38 PM, uncle bernard said:

The easiest way to solve this is that we do it by SSN. Every US citizen has a unique SSN. Every SSN over 18 years old should be automatically registered to vote. Republicans don't want to do this because it makes voting easier. 


There are probably 2 or 3 million people who are not citizens that legally have social security cards. Green card holders. Non-citizens that have permission to work here. Then of course there are fraudulent ones. A photo Id of some sort is best . having a social security number on it wouldn't hurt.

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  On 4/29/2024 at 9:49 PM, Husker_Du said:

let's pivot a moment and put the fighting on pause....

anyone have a list of states where ID's are provided for free vs. having to pay for one? 

interested in learning how it varies and what (potentially) is most prevalent. 


I believe there are 30 states that require a drivers license w/photo or a state voter ID. North Carolina does not require anything.

Edited by Paul158
missed a word
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  On 4/29/2024 at 9:47 PM, braves121 said:

There is no constitutional right to vote? What did the 15th amendment do? What did the 19th amendment do


Those amendments do not give the right to vote to anyone, they merely give reasons for which the right to vote cannot be denied.  You cannot find a sentence in the Constitution that says anyone has the right to vote.  

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i don't think SSN would be horrible (provided the poll workers actually verified them in person at the polling station).

i just want...idk...any measure to prevent fraud.

frankly what we have now is amateur hour and primed for fraud. i have absolutely zero confidence in it.

it's truly amazing we can send a man to the moon but the supposed nation that's most advanced and democratic can't figure out a safe frickin election system.


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I completed my 2020 US census on my IPhone.    That’s the census that’s used to distribute federal funding along with deciding how many representatives each state gets.   If technology is safe enough to use for the census it seems it would be the same for voting.  Not to mention how easy it was.   We would also have real time data instead of waiting like we have to now. 

Edited by JimmyBT
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  On 4/29/2024 at 9:51 PM, Paul158 said:

There are probably 2 or 3 million people who are not citizens that legally have social security cards. Green card holders. Non-citizens that have permission to work here. Then of course there are fraudulent ones. A photo Id of some sort is best . having a social security number on it wouldn't hurt.


It is not wise to use your SS number anywhere, someone might copy it. 

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  On 4/29/2024 at 9:51 PM, Paul158 said:

There are probably 2 or 3 million people who are not citizens that legally have social security cards. Green card holders. Non-citizens that have permission to work here. Then of course there are fraudulent ones. A photo Id of some sort is best . having a social security number on it wouldn't hurt.


okay, then every citizen with an SSN is automatically registered. government should have easily accessible voting IDs free of charge for those without driver's licenses. Sign on to that and I think that's a good compromise that increases election integrity while making easier for everyone to do their civil duty.

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  On 4/29/2024 at 9:49 PM, Husker_Du said:

let's pivot a moment and put the fighting on pause....

anyone have a list of states where ID's are provided for free vs. having to pay for one? 

interested in learning how it varies and what (potentially) is most prevalent. 


I was looking through this table on ballotpedia - https://ballotpedia.org/Voter_identification_laws_by_state


It seems like most states that "require photo ID" will either allow someone to vote without it or get a voter ID for free.

Edited by fishbane
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  On 4/29/2024 at 8:54 PM, braves121 said:

While I do not believe that voter id laws are targeted towards a race, i believe they are made to reduce the amount of people voting. Having to pay for the right to vote is not constitutional. However you do not so I will ask what do you think is the most reasonable price you have to pay to be able to vote? When you are down to your last $10 or however much money you have left and your choices are either feeding your children or voting what do you think 99% of people will do?


You sound like AOC.

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  On 4/29/2024 at 9:49 PM, Husker_Du said:

let's pivot a moment and put the fighting on pause....

anyone have a list of states where ID's are provided for free vs. having to pay for one? 

interested in learning how it varies and what (potentially) is most prevalent. 


Bro tries calling me racist and insists my posts insinuates it then when pressed about it changes subjects nice

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  On 4/29/2024 at 9:56 PM, Husker_Du said:

i don't think SSN would be horrible (provided the poll workers actually verified them in person at the polling station).

i just want...idk...any measure to prevent fraud.

frankly what we have now is amateur hour and primed for fraud. i have absolutely zero confidence in it.

it's truly amazing we can send a man to the moon but the supposed nation that's most advanced and democratic can't figure out a safe frickin election system.



there is some prevention baked into this. someone who wanted to vote as you would have to know that you're registered (or register for you) and also know you weren't going to show up. in PA, in order to register, you need a drivers licence # or SSN. if they don't register for you, they need to know that you won't show up too. if you show up twice, it gets flagged and investigated.

so in order to pull this off they either need your license #/SSN and need you to not try to register yourself or vote too. then for it to matter at all, they would need to do this on a mass scale. that's an extensive operation and with the incessant investigations by republicans, you would think they would have found something by now right?

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Voter ID is fine as long as there is no charge for it. It might make sense to open in person voting to at least one whole week or a month with voter id so people can get the chance to vote. I’m sure having more days to vote would put less strain and stress on poll workers and counters

Edited by braves121
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