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Are all the Pro-Palestine, anti Israel protests helping or hurting the Democrats?


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It seems like these protests are escalating. There are about 50 protests going on right now on college campuses across the country. There are arrests being made and there is a lot of news coverage. The protestors are shouting death to Israel and death to America. What say you.

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incredible juxtaposition between the outrage over peaceful protests and the mass death in Gaza. Yes, it's truly awful that students, many of them Jews, are sitting in public space and singing songs to protest actions they disagree with. The horror. 


Notice how nobody gives a shit about her being Jewish as she stands right next to a "Jews for a Free Palestine" sign lol. 

Meanwhile, in Gaza they are uncovering mass graves. Nearly 300 bodies discovered so far at one hospital site.


In 10 years, when what is happening can no longer be denied, you will try to convince yourself that you didn't know. But you'll know deep down that you did and supported it. If you ever wondered how German civilians felt after the holocaust...you're gonna find out.

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Anybody who's ever been to a Pro-Palestine protest knows that Jews are actually far over-represented among the protestors. The most passionate activists and organizers on this issue I know are either Palestinian or *Jewish*. Jews who support the rights of Palestinians are welcome and celebrated at these events. Notice people in Kippas dancing with those in Keffiyehs. Should put a smile on any normal person's face.

Contrary to what people try to tell you, people from different backgrounds CAN love one another and stand in solidarity. One of the most moving moments I've witnessed was a reading from the Torah followed by a Muslim call to prayer followed by everyone, Muslim, Jew, or neither, eating figs together at sundown while our Muslim friends were breaking their fast for Ramadan.

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  On 4/23/2024 at 2:04 PM, Paul158 said:

It seems like these protests are escalating. There are about 50 protests going on right now on college campuses across the country. There are arrests being made and there is a lot of news coverage. The protestors are shouting death to Israel and death to America. What say you.


When you say “the protestors are shouting….death to America”. Do you mean the majority of the protestors in all 50 protests are shouting it, or someone on Twitter said they heard someone heard say….?

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  On 4/23/2024 at 5:30 PM, WrestlingRasta said:

When you say “the protestors are shouting….death to America”. Do you mean the majority of the protestors in all 50 protests are shouting it, or someone on Twitter said they heard someone heard say….?


They have been showing them saying those things on TV news outlets for last 4 or 5 days. Just quoting what the protestors are saying. I assume you have not seen it. It would be easy to find on the internet. Just checked out YouTube . Saw 40 videos in about 10 seconds but there are a lot more videos.

Edited by Paul158
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  On 4/23/2024 at 5:44 PM, Paul158 said:

They have been showing them saying those things on TV news outlets for last 4 or 5 days. Just quoting what the protestors are saying. I assume you have not seen it. It would be easy to find on the internet. Just checked out YouTube . Saw 40 videos in about 10 seconds but there are a lot more videos.


Don’t answer my question, but thank you for the time. 

Edited by WrestlingRasta
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  On 4/23/2024 at 6:28 PM, Paul158 said:

I am not a reporter, nor do I own a news organization. CNN,MSNBC or FOX. I don't have 50 reporters out in the field from all 50states. Maybe you do. 


I do not.  Nor am I making any statements as to what protestors on 50 college campuses are shouting.  I was just asking you for a little clarification.  It's okay.

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  On 4/23/2024 at 4:04 PM, uncle bernard said:

incredible juxtaposition between the outrage over peaceful protests and the mass death in Gaza. Yes, it's truly awful that students, many of them Jews, are sitting in public space and singing songs to protest actions they disagree with. The horror. 


Notice how nobody gives a shit about her being Jewish as she stands right next to a "Jews for a Free Palestine" sign lol. 

Meanwhile, in Gaza they are uncovering mass graves. Nearly 300 bodies discovered so far at one hospital site.


In 10 years, when what is happening can no longer be denied, you will try to convince yourself that you didn't know. But you'll know deep down that you did and supported it. If you ever wondered how German civilians felt after the holocaust...you're gonna find out.


In ten years I’m going to remember the karma sandwich that got shoved down the throat of Hamas. 

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