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Question for the old timers


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  On 3/23/2024 at 3:18 AM, ionel said:

ahh ... you meant Ed Gallagher correct?  

you did say "old timers." 


Two different classes of old timers. The Gallagher era old timers are looking up the cost of Depends and prune juice. Gable era of old timers are still trying to get over their last prostate exam.

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  On 3/23/2024 at 3:16 AM, 4xJVchamp said:

Is watching this penn st dynasty pretty much the same as when gable was at Iowa? 



The mentality and understanding that they are entirely different eras.

Everyone wanted to wrestle for Gable.

Talent in the US has never been higher and more spread out.  Sanderson has a better product and coaching staff.

  • Bob 1

"I know actually nothing.  It isn't even conjecture at this point." - me



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  On 3/23/2024 at 3:29 AM, nhs67 said:


The mentality and understanding that they are entirely different eras.

Everyone wanted to wrestle for Gable.

Talent in the US has never been higher and more spread out.  Sanderson has a better product and coaching staff.


Interesting, so in your opinion what Cael and his staff are accomplishing is more impressive?

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No, online message boards, social media, and live streaming coverage didn't exist back then. People read about Iowa and Oklahoma State's successes in the newspaper and had to carve their disdain about wrestling dynasties into the trunks of trees and on cave walls.

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It was not the same.  We had parity before Cael went to PSU and bent the rules.  We still have parity amongst those not PSU, look at the scores.  Gable era, yes he bent some rules, he came in when it had been almost always OSU.  OSU, ISU and OU were almost always top 3-5 before Iowa and Gable and the b10 wasn't in the conversation.  Those top 3 programs could always beat anyone else nit top 3 in a dual.  Gable era it was pretty much always Iowa 1st & OSU 2nd.  Its why Seay was brought in tired of 2nd.  Not the same now, quite different.

The other factor is the rules NCAA put in place to increase parity (scholarship limits, walk on etc) we threw out the window after Cael went to PSU.  

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  On 3/23/2024 at 3:41 AM, wrestle87 said:

Worthy of inclusion btw too…




That’s almost comical

Will they break the scoring record at some point? Thats the only record that will be a challenge for PSU to beat. Cael will have more national championships by the time he retires but the scoring record will be tough to crack.

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  On 3/23/2024 at 3:48 AM, 4xJVchamp said:

That’s almost comical

Will break the scoring record at some point? Thats the only record that will be a challenge for PSU to beat. Cael will have more national championships by the time he retires but the scoring record will be tough to crack.


If Davis would have managed to place 4 th they would have had a really good chance to get the record. If they win 5 of the 6 final matches and get 2 or 3 points from 149 or 184 it might be enough to get the record. If they have any bonus points that would be a big help. I had them scoring around 160. they will do that with 3 wins tomorrow.

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Interesting analysis of Iowa 1997 and PSU


I'm not convinced that Gable's 1997 team was the best Iowa team ever, (the team earlier lost a dual to OSU), but Gable has to be credited with perhaps the best coaching ever with his 1997 effort.  The point production of that team was somewhat of a surprise.

per the post -

"Three wrestlers seeded 1st , all won. Four wrestlers seeded top-12, all exceeded their seed and all became All-American’s. One unseeded wrestler finished 6th , also earning All-American honors."

Some history at


PSU has an ouside shot at the point total, but will have to over-perform to do so.   Iowa's 1986 team had a larger margin of victory than its 1997 team - does PSU have a better shot at that?  Also, the five champion threshold is not likely to be surpassed this year.  I think Iowa's records are pretty safe thank's to PSU's lack of point production at the bottom two weights, Carter's injury and the Saturday match-ups that exist this year.


Gable's achievements are remarkable.  



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PSU scores points in bunches and is infinitely more entertaining to watch than the Gable teams. Gable's Iowa was push, push, push, mercilessly berate the officials for a stalling via Gable's oversized influence, and then win late with conditioning. It was Alex Marinelli writ large. We all really enjoyed the Iowa Era but that era is dead and buried. RIP.

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