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  On 3/11/2024 at 12:36 AM, flyingcement said:

Edmund was first to Illinois and Ed shortly thereafter.  The timing was so close to make you wonder if the conversations were being had as a packaged deal



Not a package deal, but a lot of great things coming together in about six months:


ED RUTH -- Coaching announcement in July 2021.

ILLINOIS MATMAN OPEN -- in December 2021. ILLINI wrestled there, as did Edmond Ruth unattached. He won. 

EDMOND RUTH -- Recruiting announcement in January 2022. 



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  On 3/11/2024 at 4:46 AM, ILLINIWrestlingBlog said:


Not a package deal, but a lot of great things coming together in about six months:


ED RUTH -- Coaching announcement in July 2021.

ILLINOIS MATMAN OPEN -- in December 2021. ILLINI wrestled there, as did Edmond Ruth unattached. He won. 

EDMOND RUTH -- Recruiting announcement in January 2022. 




You're right. I had it the wrong way around.

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  On 3/10/2024 at 11:00 PM, Caveira said:

Sooooo many empty seats.   Anyone have attendance numbers?   Did they sell out tickets ?


Sorry to necro an old thread, but I don't think this was answered. As per UMD, total attendance for the finals was 12,277. I believe the Xfinity center holds about 18,000, so it was about 2/3's full (which seems about right). A big part of the reason why it looked empty on TV was because of this.

The red seats in the picture here were not available for the public; rather, they were reserved for... well, I'm not really sure who they were reserved for. Regardless, these seats were almost 100% vacant for the entire weekend. And by happenstance, most of the TV cameras were set up on the opposite side of these seats. Result = blocks of empty seats directly behind the mats. 


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  On 3/10/2024 at 1:27 PM, jajensen09 said:

Smith smokes Davis, van dee is right there with naggo, hardy has and will beat fakebeau again, ridge is head and shoulders over kasak


This is what happens when religious belief is added to stubborn ideology and far too much alcohol.  

Is Jajensen the father of David Jensen, who wrestled 285 for Nebraska?   If so, it might help to explain the blind passion.

Perhaps he hasn't gotten over this match last year, which I'm sure he characterizes as a lucky fluke.  Labriola was "right there" with Starocci, right?



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  On 3/12/2024 at 5:13 PM, SocraTease said:

This is what happens when religious belief is added to stubborn ideology and far too much alcohol.  

Is Jajensen the father of David Jensen, who wrestled 285 for Nebraska?   If so, it might help to explain the blind passion.

Perhaps he hasn't gotten over this match last year, which I'm sure he characterizes as a lucky fluke.  Labriola was "right there" with Starocci, right?




Got some sour apples here huh? Everything I said there is true. Sorry 149 on down isn't untouchable like you think.

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  On 3/12/2024 at 5:44 PM, jajensen09 said:

I said above average. There are teams with better lineups 149- down. Can't help Penn state fans are just Ultra Charmin soft 


Name them! I challenged you on that before and you red herring'd me with a bunch of Starroci bs. Initially you said "very average", which is quite possibly the stupidest statement ever said here. Be a man and answer the question, which team is better from 125-149?

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