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Non-Binary Student Beaten In a Bathroom

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  On 3/29/2024 at 6:11 PM, ThreePointTakedown said:

There are no such things as "women's sports". They're just sports.



Not sure what you are driving at here.  


Soccer / Womens Soccer

UFC / womens UFC


Swimming / Women's swimming

I could go on, but no need to.    4 examples of women's sports.   But you are right, they are just sports.   But there is a designation because otherwise women would not have sports to play.   That's why there are some where women cannot compete due to physical and physiological differences in those sports that men dominate.    Some where men are probibited from competing because of their unfair advantage in size and strength.    A man saying he is a woman does not make him a woman any more than a child saying they are a monkey is a monkey.   It is fallacious and idiotic to pretend otherwise.  

By your own admissions here, a man can say he is a 13 year old and play in middle school sports.   A man can say he is a 13 year old girl and play girls sports in middle school.   It is happening in Canada.  




This is lunacy but it must be accepted if you accept the premise that a person is who they say they are no matter the biological markers that prove that person is not who they say they are.    This 50 year old man is not a girl teenager, no matter how much he says he is.   He isn't.   That's the truth.   There is hard truth and that is one of them.   He is 50.   He is not a teenager.    He is a man.   He is not a girl.   To have men changing in places reserved for women is wrong.   That used to be true.   It is still true except for some people who think that it is right for a man to say he is a woman and then use their facilities for seeing them naked and having himself in there naked as well.   Even the Will Thomas, the NCAA women's champion swimmer, who changed in the women's locker room, while full on still a male, said he is attracted to females.   So now he is either lesbian or he is a man masquerading as a woman so he can win in sports and gain access to women's locker rooms and quote have it be ok.   

What is unconscionable  is allowing this to happen.  




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  On 4/1/2024 at 6:11 PM, mspart said:

Not sure what you are driving at here.  


Soccer / Womens Soccer

UFC / womens UFC


Swimming / Women's swimming

I could go on, but no need to.    4 examples of women's sports.   But you are right, they are just sports.   But there is a designation because otherwise women would not have sports to play.   That's why there are some where women cannot compete due to physical and physiological differences in those sports that men dominate.    Some where men are probibited from competing because of their unfair advantage in size and strength.    A man saying he is a woman does not make him a woman any more than a child saying they are a monkey is a monkey.   It is fallacious and idiotic to pretend otherwise.  

By your own admissions here, a man can say he is a 13 year old and play in middle school sports.   A man can say he is a 13 year old girl and play girls sports in middle school.   It is happening in Canada.  




This is lunacy but it must be accepted if you accept the premise that a person is who they say they are no matter the biological markers that prove that person is not who they say they are.    This 50 year old man is not a girl teenager, no matter how much he says he is.   He isn't.   That's the truth.   There is hard truth and that is one of them.   He is 50.   He is not a teenager.    He is a man.   He is not a girl.   To have men changing in places reserved for women is wrong.   That used to be true.   It is still true except for some people who think that it is right for a man to say he is a woman and then use their facilities for seeing them naked and having himself in there naked as well.   Even the Will Thomas, the NCAA women's champion swimmer, who changed in the women's locker room, while full on still a male, said he is attracted to females.   So now he is either lesbian or he is a man masquerading as a woman so he can win in sports and gain access to women's locker rooms and quote have it be ok.   

What is unconscionable  is allowing this to happen.  





1st bold:  Not that they 'cannot compete' because they do. Often and with much push back to women playing in "men's" sports. The incentive to play, which is why we play sports, is not worth the hassle to most women. Bad ROI. Some enjoy it. Challenging themselves. Overcoming odds and obstacles with little to no recognition or fanfare. Mostly because we, as a culture, put winners on a pedestal as ones to be admired and celebrated. Don't meet your heroes. Or if you are a Bulls fan from the 90's don't watch the docu-series. MJ is kind of a jerk.  Because at one point there weren't men and women sports because women were not 'allowed' to play any. 

1st Italics: I'm sure there is a way, legally, for a man to start playing a 'women's' sport. They would likely be ostracized from the community due to the obvious, self-serving, nature of the stunt. Sponsors would not want to be associated with them. So no money. Invitationals wouldn't invite. So no competition. Not seeing the parallel. But again, not sure you understand what transitioning is or the process involved. Lia Thomas took time away from competition to transition in order to clear all the benchmarks to return. For any serious athlete, that is quite the sacrifice. Was not the fastest, by any means, in her events, as evidence by the 5th place finish. 

1st underline: Sorry, but you're wrong. You can whine and moan about it. But its not going away. It will only get bigger and more widespread. The more people that understand this as an option will realize that they now have the freedom and security to be who they have always thought they were. Much like gay or lesbian,  people were afraid to let those around them know. For fear of being shamed or worse. It baffles me that you can't see the parallels between the groups and how your opinions and statements are as hateful and dangerous as the anti-gay activists that led to the assassination of Harvey Milk. This must be tough to read. I don't say that lightly. I don't think you wish anyone harm but your words offer cover to those who might. 

2nd bold: Age limits are a thing, still. Sorry. Also, so what? Let people that want to swim, swim. They pay the fee. They can compete. Teach your kids the difference. Swimming like all other races is not a competition against others racing but with the clock. Winning doesn't always look the same in every situation and its not everything. ''Swimming Canada and Swim Ontario believe swimming is for everyone...  people of all shapes, sizes, genders, beliefs and backgrounds should have the opportunity to swim to the best of their ability... with the expectation that our registrants treat each other with respect and dignity, and keep our sport environment free from harassment and abuse.' Can't agree more. 

2nd italic: I'm sorry you feel this way. It might make you upset to think of this being accepted more and more. But it is. Are there bad people out there that might take advantage? Sure. There always were. And we can be equally upset when those situations happen. But people are starting to understand that there are other options out there for them to explore. To make them feel more at home inside their own body. I don't feel you have made the case to enough of an extent to change my mind on the issue. 

2nd underline: Is your issue just the changing room situation or the competition part too? 

Do you think this person is being malicious in wanting to participate in sports in this way? What could be the benefit?

Do you know of any mitigation efforts the person has taken to ensure they are not seen by other athletes in the changing room? Perhaps they have. Would that change your opinion? 

I hope you take these questions seriously because it is an important topic and I am interested to see your take. 

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  On 4/1/2024 at 7:04 PM, ThreePointTakedown said:

Comments are in RED. 

1st bold:  Not that they 'cannot compete' because they do. Often and with much push back to women playing in "men's" sports. The incentive to play, which is why we play sports, is not worth the hassle to most women. Bad ROI. Some enjoy it. Challenging themselves. Overcoming odds and obstacles with little to no recognition or fanfare. Mostly because we, as a culture, put winners on a pedestal as ones to be admired and celebrated. Don't meet your heroes. Or if you are a Bulls fan from the 90's don't watch the docu-series. MJ is kind of a jerk.  Because at one point there weren't men and women sports because women were not 'allowed' to play any.    Yes, this is true.  Then it became untrue.   And there was a separation due to the physical differences between the two sexes.   Now you are espousing a movement where a  male can claim he is female and compete with women.   I gave you two examples.   Here's a third.   In Canada, a woman weightlifter recently came on the scene and broke records like crazy.   Also crazy is that he is not a female  but a male who says he is a female.   You don't see females competing with males at the higher levels of sports because they cannot compete physically.   The same does not hold in reverse as we have witnessed.  

1st Italics: I'm sure there is a way, legally, for a man to start playing a 'women's' sport. Yes there is, he calls himself a woman.  They would likely be ostracized from the community due to the obvious, self-serving, nature of the stunt.  No, that hasn't happened.   They are celebrated and in the case of Thomas and Gaines who tied fro 3rd, Thomas got the medal and Gaines did not.  Sponsors would not want to be associated with them.  Also untrue.  So no money. Invitationals wouldn't invite. So no competition. Not seeing the parallel. But again, not sure you understand what transitioning is or the process involved. Lia Thomas took time away from competition to transition in order to clear all the benchmarks to return. For any serious athlete, that is quite the sacrifice. Was not the fastest, by any means, in her events, as evidence by the 5th place finish.   He is the women's 500m NCAA champion of 2022.   Not so good at the sprint events.  Your explanation is wanting.   

1st underline: Sorry, but you're wrong. No, I am not wrong.   You and all those that support this disinformation campaign and grooming of young children into this madness are wrong.  You can whine and moan about it. But its not going away. It will only get bigger and more widespread. The more people that understand this as an option will realize that they now have the freedom and security to be who they have always thought they were. Much like gay or lesbian,  people were afraid to let those around them know. For fear of being shamed or worse. It baffles me that you can't see the parallels between the groups and how your opinions and statements are as hateful and dangerous as the anti-gay activists that led to the assassination of Harvey Milk. This must be tough to read. I don't say that lightly. I don't think you wish anyone harm but your words offer cover to those who might.   So now you are equating being gay with being trans and competing with people who are not your sex.   Last I heard, gays and lesbians compete freely.   But they compete with people of their same sex.   Conflating the two does not strengthen your faux argument. 

2nd bold: Age limits are a thing, still. Sorry. Also, so what? Let people that want to swim, swim. They pay the fee. They can compete. Teach your kids the difference. Swimming like all other races is not a competition against others racing but with the clock. So why did I not get an award for the 100 yrd dash in Jr high when I was dead last but ran my fastest.  Because the world doesn't work that way.   Winning doesn't always look the same in every situation and its not everything.  Winning looks the same in every sport.   They are the winner.  They are the best, the fastest, the strongest in their category.   That is what winning is.   You are here on a wrestling chat board and suggesting that the guys that didn't make the NCAA tourney are somehow just a good as the NCAA champion.  Now you are trying to equate this to all the losers so you are calling these trans people inherently losers so they need some help.   Ridiculous.     ''Swimming Canada and Swim Ontario believe swimming is for everyone...  people of all shapes, sizes, genders, beliefs and backgrounds should have the opportunity to swim to the best of their ability... with the expectation that our registrants treat each other with respect and dignity, and keep our sport environment free from harassment and abuse.' Can't agree more.    Yes, I agree.   With an exception.   Men swim against men, women against women, and adults against adults and children against children.   You are trying to say that is it ok for a 50 year old man to compete as a 14 year old girl.   Because that is what has been happening.   Disgusting.  

2nd italic: I'm sorry you feel this way. It might make you upset to think of this being accepted more and more. But it is. Are there bad people out there that might take advantage? Sure. There always were. And we can be equally upset when those situations happen. But people are starting to understand that there are other options out there for them to explore. To make them feel more at home inside their own body. I don't feel you have made the case to enough of an extent to change my mind on the issue.   Of course not.   You are dead set on supporting the right of a man to compete in a women's sport.   And not only that, but for a man to change in the women's locker room.   Both show only a disinterest in the comfort for the women.   Are you so against women that you think and supoprt and campaign that men should compete with them and dress with them?

2nd underline: Is your issue just the changing room situation or the competition part too?    Stupid question. 

Do you think this person is being malicious in wanting to participate in sports in this way? What could be the benefit?  A 50 year old competing with teenagers?   In what universe is this acceptable?   Only in the present is it acceptable.   Are you kidding me.   He doesn't want to compete, he wants access to the locker room.   He hasn't cut his junk off and doesn't want to.   He wants to ogle nubile young girls.   That's it.   Malicious doesn't begin to describe this person. 

Do you know of any mitigation efforts the person has taken to ensure they are not seen by other athletes in the changing room? Perhaps they have. Would that change your opinion?  No it would not, just like I cannot change your opinion.   He is a man swimming against teenage girls  in competition.   Before and after the races he changes with the girls in the locker room.   This is an abomination.   He does not think he is a young girl at age 50.   I'm sorry you are making excuses for this guy.   He is abominable.   And you think it is all pure and innocent.   Give me a break. 

I hope you take these questions seriously because it is an important topic and I am interested to see your take.   I do not take these questions seriously at all.   Period, end of story. 


In short, these are sad individuals that need counseling, serious counseling.   It is time to stop the grooming of children into this kind of behavior.   That was the point of the "no say gay" bill in FL.   It was to stop the indoctrination of little kids that they could be different than they are.    Everyone said that is not happening.   Well, it is now happening everywhere  and it is in the open.   FL was right to take this seriously.   This is wrong and there is no place in the universe where this is not wrong. 

I feel for those caught up in this.    They are sad, depressed and have little hope of every getting out of that.   They need counseling, they need help.   They need understanding.   And they will need that throughout their life most likely whether they actually transition or not.   That is where the concentration should be.  Not in saying a man is a woman just because he feels that way.   There is not a place in the world where that man is a woman.   He may feel like one, he may want to be one, but he is not.   He is a man.   With all the plumbing and cellular DNA  stating so. 



Edited by mspart
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  On 4/1/2024 at 8:04 PM, mspart said:

In short, these are sad individuals that need counseling, serious counseling.   It is time to stop the grooming of children into this kind of behavior.   That was the point of the "no say gay" bill in FL.   It was to stop the indoctrination of little kids that they could be different than they are.    Everyone said that is not happening.   Well, it is now happening everywhere  and it is in the open.   FL was right to take this seriously.   This is wrong and there is no place in the universe where this is not wrong. 

I feel for those caught up in this.    They are sad, depressed and have little hope of every getting out of that.   They need counseling, they need help.   They need understanding.   And they will need that throughout their life most likely whether they actually transition or not.   That is where the concentration should be.  Not in saying a man is a woman just because he feels that way.   There is not a place in the world where that man is a woman.   He may feel like one, he may want to be one, but he is not.   He is a man.   With all the plumbing and cellular DNA  stating so. 




Why should anyone care about who you think is 'sad'? Maybe they are not. Maybe just being able to swim for the first time as the representation of the person they always felt they were, makes them very happy. I think that's the thing that bothers you the most(because you have only speculation of other things that could be bothersome). It usually does. That they could be happy doing something you feel should make them 'sad' or ashamed. I know at this point you've stopped reading because of psycho-babble stuff that you can't either; understand or are afraid is correct.

I don't think you have any idea what 'indoctrination' really means. Its being forced to believe something without sufficient evidence. Which is exactly what you've done at every step in this conversation. Rather than trying to learn or gain more understanding. You've fallen back on your biased ideas of a thing and refused to acknowledge that you could be wrong or have been misled. Coming to the realization that you've been indoctrinated is difficult. But it seems as though you have the signs of someone who has. Thinking you are too smart to be tricked doesn't inoculate you from the possibility of being tricked. Just that you're too ashamed to admit it.

'Different then they are'? What kind of person is already trying to put kids in a box rather then allowing them to investigate, in a safe way, every conceivable possibility? Its because you're scared or jealous. Those are usually the reasons parents try to stifle their children. Because they are emotionally immature and would rather have the satisfaction of being 'better' than their kids rather than them find out the truth and beauty of what's really out there. Probably something you were not able to experience as a child. But what do I know, I'm a babbling psycho. 

It is in the open. Its not going away. People are going to be themselves without your permission and doing it right in front of you and likely they've done it without you knowing or being bothered by it. Regardless of how 'sad' or different you think it is. Until you, eventually, don't even think of it as odd. It will be at this point that we've won. You will have accepted this 'horrible thing' that you fought against so vehemently, that you won't even remember why. It'll just be another in a long line of infinitesimal changes that you cursed and feared but in the end made very little difference in your life. If for no other reason that you chose not to participate. It will be so subtle that it likely won't even register in your mind and when the next issue comes up you'll do this dance all over again. 

Your words, 'They are sad, depressed and have little hope of every getting out of that.   They need counseling, they need help.   They need understanding.' All things that you could say in the mirror and be spot on. You are so scared, I hope it doesn't lead you to do something that you'll regret. 


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  On 4/2/2024 at 12:41 PM, ThreePointTakedown said:

Why should anyone care about who you think is 'sad'? Maybe they are not. Maybe just being able to swim for the first time as the representation of the person they always felt they were, makes them very happy. I think that's the thing that bothers you the most(because you have only speculation of other things that could be bothersome). It usually does. That they could be happy doing something you feel should make them 'sad' or ashamed. I know at this point you've stopped reading because of psycho-babble stuff that you can't either; understand or are afraid is correct.

I don't think you have any idea what 'indoctrination' really means. Its being forced to believe something without sufficient evidence. Which is exactly what you've done at every step in this conversation. Rather than trying to learn or gain more understanding. You've fallen back on your biased ideas of a thing and refused to acknowledge that you could be wrong or have been misled. Coming to the realization that you've been indoctrinated is difficult. But it seems as though you have the signs of someone who has. Thinking you are too smart to be tricked doesn't inoculate you from the possibility of being tricked. Just that you're too ashamed to admit it.

'Different then they are'? What kind of person is already trying to put kids in a box rather then allowing them to investigate, in a safe way, every conceivable possibility? Its because you're scared or jealous. Those are usually the reasons parents try to stifle their children. Because they are emotionally immature and would rather have the satisfaction of being 'better' than their kids rather than them find out the truth and beauty of what's really out there. Probably something you were not able to experience as a child. But what do I know, I'm a babbling psycho. 

It is in the open. Its not going away. People are going to be themselves without your permission and doing it right in front of you and likely they've done it without you knowing or being bothered by it. Regardless of how 'sad' or different you think it is. Until you, eventually, don't even think of it as odd. It will be at this point that we've won. You will have accepted this 'horrible thing' that you fought against so vehemently, that you won't even remember why. It'll just be another in a long line of infinitesimal changes that you cursed and feared but in the end made very little difference in your life. If for no other reason that you chose not to participate. It will be so subtle that it likely won't even register in your mind and when the next issue comes up you'll do this dance all over again. 

Your words, 'They are sad, depressed and have little hope of every getting out of that.   They need counseling, they need help.   They need understanding.' All things that you could say in the mirror and be spot on. You are so scared, I hope it doesn't lead you to do something that you'll regret. 



I suppose a mirror can be useful, but when people stop singing their fantasies, the mirror exposes them to the truth, again.  A reminder that no matter what someone may say, there is a reality, a truth, that cannot be changed.  It is good for people to understand that some things are beyond their control, that they aren’t God.  

As for indoctrination, I believe most of us here understand it well enough, though there is some indecision as to whether you didn’t sit for the entire lecture or simply don’t have the quotient to express it sufficiently. 

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Nex Benedict was abused by her father before transitioning.   He went to jail for the sexual abuse with a 5 year jail sentence.   He was released from jail a month before Nex killed herself.   She left notes about her suicide and none of them detailed anything from the bathroom incident.  

She was a traumatized teen with very real mental issues, if not before, then after the abuse took place.   Her story becomes more clear with this new revelation that is not making it into the mainstream news because it does not follow their orthodoxy on trans issues.   Nothing of this whole thing made sense but this at least brings some amount of reasonableness as to her situation and subsequent actions.   I believe she decided she was trans to somehow prevent her father from abusing her anymore.   What else could she do?   I believe she killed herself due to the fact her father was out of prison a month before she killed herself.    Rather than go through the horror of facing her father and with the great fear of him abusing her again, she ended the situation with a drug overdose.   That makes sense, sad sense and that father should be put away forever for the abuse of his child.   It is heartbreaking really that this happened to her.   The father should have been put away for 20 years, plenty of time for his daughter to grow up and get out of his orbit.   Instead it seems apparent she was scared to death and chose death rather than suffer more abuse from him.  

Maybe that's not why she committed suicide, but it makes better sense to me than a fight in a bathroom.  






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  On 4/2/2024 at 3:30 PM, Offthemat said:

I suppose a mirror can be useful, but when people stop singing their fantasies, the mirror exposes them to the truth, again.  A reminder that no matter what someone may say, there is a reality, a truth, that cannot be changed.  It is good for people to understand that some things are beyond their control, that they aren’t God.  

As for indoctrination, I believe most of us here understand it well enough, though there is some indecision as to whether you didn’t sit for the entire lecture or simply don’t have the quotient to express it sufficiently. 


Glad you had an opportunity to voice your opinion. 

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  On 4/2/2024 at 6:12 PM, mspart said:

Nex Benedict was abused by her father before transitioning.   He went to jail for the sexual abuse with a 5 year jail sentence.   He was released from jail a month before Nex killed herself.   She left notes about her suicide and none of them detailed anything from the bathroom incident.  

She was a traumatized teen with very real mental issues, if not before, then after the abuse took place.   Her story becomes more clear with this new revelation that is not making it into the mainstream news because it does not follow their orthodoxy on trans issues.   Nothing of this whole thing made sense but this at least brings some amount of reasonableness as to her situation and subsequent actions.   I believe she decided she was trans to somehow prevent her father from abusing her anymore.   What else could she do?   I believe she killed herself due to the fact her father was out of prison a month before she killed herself.    Rather than go through the horror of facing her father and with the great fear of him abusing her again, she ended the situation with a drug overdose.   That makes sense, sad sense and that father should be put away forever for the abuse of his child.   It is heartbreaking really that this happened to her.   The father should have been put away for 20 years, plenty of time for his daughter to grow up and get out of his orbit.   Instead it seems apparent she was scared to death and chose death rather than suffer more abuse from him.  

Maybe that's not why she committed suicide, but it makes better sense to me than a fight in a bathroom.  







What is this world coming to?

Edited by Offthemat
I’d like to give a thanks for the post, but with these new nonsensical ones I don’t know
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We have had parents sexually abuse their children for a long time.    But what kind of person does that?   That person does untold damage to their child laying waste to their life as well as their own.   It is horrible and my heart goes out to those kids that have endured this.   The parent/adult that did it should receive more than 5 years.   I don't think death is too strong myself, but would be happy for 30 years.   This person needs to go away and not have a chance to endanger their child again or anyone else.   This makes me very angry is all I can say. 


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  On 4/2/2024 at 8:53 PM, mspart said:

We have had parents sexually abuse their children for a long time.    But what kind of person does that?   That person does untold damage to their child laying waste to their life as well as their own.   It is horrible and my heart goes out to those kids that have endured this.   The parent/adult that did it should receive more than 5 years.   I don't think death is too strong myself, but would be happy for 30 years.   This person needs to go away and not have a chance to endanger their child again or anyone else.   This makes me very angry is all I can say. 



Agreed!  One of the worst things that can happen to a child!  Feel so bad for Nex...so sad.  But like you extremely angry about what led up to her death.

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  On 4/2/2024 at 12:41 PM, ThreePointTakedown said:

Why should anyone care about who you think is 'sad'? Maybe they are not. Maybe just being able to swim for the first time as the representation of the person they always felt they were, makes them very happy. I think that's the thing that bothers you the most(because you have only speculation of other things that could be bothersome). It usually does. That they could be happy doing something you feel should make them 'sad' or ashamed. I know at this point you've stopped reading because of psycho-babble stuff that you can't either; understand or are afraid is correct.

I don't think you have any idea what 'indoctrination' really means. Its being forced to believe something without sufficient evidence. Which is exactly what you've done at every step in this conversation. Rather than trying to learn or gain more understanding. You've fallen back on your biased ideas of a thing and refused to acknowledge that you could be wrong or have been misled. Coming to the realization that you've been indoctrinated is difficult. But it seems as though you have the signs of someone who has. Thinking you are too smart to be tricked doesn't inoculate you from the possibility of being tricked. Just that you're too ashamed to admit it.

'Different then they are'? What kind of person is already trying to put kids in a box rather then allowing them to investigate, in a safe way, every conceivable possibility? Its because you're scared or jealous. Those are usually the reasons parents try to stifle their children. Because they are emotionally immature and would rather have the satisfaction of being 'better' than their kids rather than them find out the truth and beauty of what's really out there. Probably something you were not able to experience as a child. But what do I know, I'm a babbling psycho. 

It is in the open. Its not going away. People are going to be themselves without your permission and doing it right in front of you and likely they've done it without you knowing or being bothered by it. Regardless of how 'sad' or different you think it is. Until you, eventually, don't even think of it as odd. It will be at this point that we've won. You will have accepted this 'horrible thing' that you fought against so vehemently, that you won't even remember why. It'll just be another in a long line of infinitesimal changes that you cursed and feared but in the end made very little difference in your life. If for no other reason that you chose not to participate. It will be so subtle that it likely won't even register in your mind and when the next issue comes up you'll do this dance all over again. 

Your words, 'They are sad, depressed and have little hope of every getting out of that.   They need counseling, they need help.   They need understanding.' All things that you could say in the mirror and be spot on. You are so scared, I hope it doesn't lead you to do something that you'll regret. 



For the same reason you think anyone cares about what you think.  Carry on babble boy jr. 

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  On 4/5/2024 at 1:04 PM, JimmyBT said:

You thought.  Good one 


Given an opportunity to help someone, potentially, fix a mistake. You decided to do this. 

Classy. Makes me think you don't really care that much about things being correct or accurate. 

So if anyone else can tell me what they feel is inaccurate about this story, please let me know?

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  On 4/5/2024 at 1:47 PM, ThreePointTakedown said:

Given an opportunity to help someone, potentially, fix a mistake. You decided to do this. 

Classy. Makes me think you don't really care that much about things being correct or accurate. 

So if anyone else can tell me what they feel is inaccurate about this story, please let me know?


You just stated you think you answered it.   Wouldn’t you already know the answer then?    🤦‍♂️ life is so hard for you

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just a biological male that sucked in men’s sports, decided he was a girl instead and is now participating in women’s sports. While doing it he/she is injuring females and making lewd comments in the locker room.  Sounds like this dudette is on the right side of history. 

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  • College Commitments

    Adam Mattin

    Delta, Ohio
    Class of 2025
    Committed to Stanford
    Projected Weight: 125, 133

    Grant Stromberg

    Mukwonago, Wisconsin
    Class of 2024
    Committed to Northern Iowa
    Projected Weight: 285

    Hudson Ward

    Canton, Pennsylvania
    Class of 2024
    Committed to Lock Haven
    Projected Weight: 165

    Alex Reed

    Shikellamy, Pennsylvania
    Class of 2024
    Committed to Lock Haven
    Projected Weight: 125

    Darren Florance

    Harpursville, New York
    Class of 2024
    Committed to Lock Haven
    Projected Weight: 125
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