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War with Iran


Going to war with Iran  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. Is a war with Iran:

    • A terrible idea that shouldn't happen unless there is an attack on U.S. soil
    • Necessary if Iranian proxies continue to attack U.S. troops abroad
    • Inevitable

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This is the closest the U.S. has been to going to war with Iran since the nuclear deal.  The critics of that deal (mainly the neocons) said it only postponed the inevitable.  Were the neocons correct? Tensions are rising now more than any time since, so is war with Iran inevitable? Or should it be avoided regardless of Iran's actions overseas because of the terrible consequences that would occur? 

Let's try to keep the Biden/trump discussion to a minimum here because this decision could potentially be made either in the rest of Biden's term or a potentially Trump's 2nd term.  It will likely be the most significant foreign policy decision since the 2003 invasion of Iraq. 


My opinion is that I don't really know what we should do.  When I see these proxy attacks being carried out, it reminds me exactly of what Bin Laden did prior to 9/11 with his attacks on U.S. Embassies and the USS Cole. If the U.S. had done more leading up to 9/11, the attacks would have been avoided. I also know how terrible the consequences of military intervention would be, and the greatest mistake since Vietnam was the decision to preemptively intervene in Iraq. 


Edited by billyhoyle
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The problem is this:

You can’t kill an idea. You can kill them at 100 to 1, but that might just help them recruit. Hell, not even “might”, it does.

One thing that might actually be effective is destroying the Iranian navy, in port. And then completely blockade their illicit oil sales, and destroy their oil terminals. Pain.

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  On 1/29/2024 at 5:16 AM, Le duke said:

The problem is this:

You can’t kill an idea. You can kill them at 100 to 1, but that might just help them recruit. Hell, not even “might”, it does.

One thing that might actually be effective is destroying the Iranian navy, in port. And then completely blockade their illicit oil sales, and destroy their oil terminals. Pain.

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Don't they get promised like 70 virgins when they die fighting. Also I heard there is one oil terminal on an island that moves about 1 million barrels a day. That might be a good place to start.Thats about 24 billion dollars a year . That should hurt their war budget 

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  On 1/29/2024 at 5:16 AM, Le duke said:

The problem is this:

You can’t kill an idea. You can kill them at 100 to 1, but that might just help them recruit. Hell, not even “might”, it does.

One thing that might actually be effective is destroying the Iranian navy, in port. And then completely blockade their illicit oil sales, and destroy their oil terminals. Pain.

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Your description sparked a reminder of what Japan did at Pearl Harbor.

Then all the gloves came off.

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Proxy grease spots in the sand is a very powerful deterrent to being a proxy.  Standing within 10 feet of a proxy gets you grease spot status also.  Soon the recruiting ends when all the proxies' Mommies and Daddies realize they better give their proxy sons better advice of career options.

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  On 1/30/2024 at 5:31 AM, Lipdrag said:

Proxy grease spots in the sand is a very powerful deterrent to being a proxy.  Standing within 10 feet of a proxy gets you grease spot status also.  Soon the recruiting ends when all the proxies' Mommies and Daddies realize they better give their proxy sons better advice of career options.


How do you propose doing that? Sending the military into Yemen?

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  On 1/31/2024 at 9:34 AM, Husker_Du said:

the problem is this: Biden gave them $6bil and the proxy attacks (including in Israel) started immediately.

and don't you boot licking biden donks say

'but but but it was in escrow'

it wasn't, you morons. 


The attacks have been going on for years. Remember the attack on a U.S. military base in response to killing Soleimani?  What is your solution?

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  On 1/31/2024 at 9:34 AM, Husker_Du said:
the problem is this: Biden gave them $6bil and the proxy attacks (including in Israel) started immediately.
and don't you boot licking biden donks say
'but but but it was in escrow'
it wasn't, you morons. 

No funds have been dispensed from the US. We never had the money, and 100% of it is still in Qatar.

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  On 1/31/2024 at 9:31 AM, billyhoyle said:

How do you propose doing that?



Same way this guy 220px-Abu_Mahdi_al-Muhandes_%26_Qasem_Soleimani01.jpg


was turned into a grease spot.220px-Assassination_of_Qasem_Soleimani_%E2%80%93_burning_car.jpg

Continue until proxy grandmas and grandpas decide they like their grandchildren (adult grandchildren, of course, because no one would dare use children as shields) to stay alive better than they like being Iranian stooges.  Proxies won't listen to us.  They will listen to their grandparents and parents.  Those people's attitudes are the ones that must be changed.  Highly directed energy followed by a change of physical state from solid to liquid and vapor is a very effective way to modify attitudes.

All proxies who stay far away from missile sites have nothing to fear.  They may proxy along their merry way if they so desire.

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  On 1/31/2024 at 4:39 PM, Le duke said:

No funds have been dispensed from the US. We never had the money, and 100% of it is still in Qatar.

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Not what the Iranians say.


Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said his government will decide how it will spend $6 billion in previously frozen funds due to be released in a prisoner exchange agreement with the U.S., telling NBC News’ Lester Holt that the money will be spent "wherever we need it."

... In response to Raisi’s remarks, a senior Biden administration official said the released funds would first be transferred to Qatar. The Treasury Department would then track all transactions closely to ensure the money is used exclusively for humanitarian purposes.

“It’s going to be held in a bank in Qatar and each transaction will be monitored by U.S. Treasury — transaction by transaction," the official said. "It’s for humanitarian aid only.”  

Apparently, Biden and his handlers have never heard of money laundering.   Oh wait, Biden has obviously.   Iran says one thing, US another.   Who do you think is correct?

Gee lets see.    I need to fund Hamas, and I have 6 billion more now than i did.   So I give 6 billion to Hamas' humanitarian causes.   Yeah, that's it.   Or I give our money to Hamas and spend the other in Qatar on inside humanitarian causes.    Wow, I, not a felon, figured this out.  Money laundering, its so much fun taking advantage of gullible idiots.  



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  On 2/3/2024 at 12:21 AM, mspart said:
Not what the Iranians say.
Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said his government will decide how it will spend $6 billion in previously frozen funds due to be released in a prisoner exchange agreement with the U.S., telling NBC News’ Lester Holt that the money will be spent "wherever we need it."
... In response to Raisi’s remarks, a senior Biden administration official said the released funds would first be transferred to Qatar. The Treasury Department would then track all transactions closely to ensure the money is used exclusively for humanitarian purposes.
“It’s going to be held in a bank in Qatar and each transaction will be monitored by U.S. Treasury — transaction by transaction," the official said. "It’s for humanitarian aid only.”  
Apparently, Biden and his handlers have never heard of money laundering.   Oh wait, Biden has obviously.   Iran says one thing, US another.   Who do you think is correct?
Gee lets see.    I need to fund Hamas, and I have 6 billion more now than i did.   So I give 6 billion to Hamas' humanitarian causes.   Yeah, that's it.   Or I give our money to Hamas and spend the other in Qatar on inside humanitarian causes.    Wow, I, not a felon, figured this out.  Money laundering, its so much fun taking advantage of gullible idiots.  

Nothing on that statement from Iran indicated that they had received any money.

“Due to be released.” Big hint.

Still hasn’t happened.

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  On 1/31/2024 at 10:19 AM, billyhoyle said:

The attacks have been going on for years. Remember the attack on a U.S. military base in response to killing Soleimani?  What is your solution?


Yeah, but @Husker_Du didn't see it on twitter, so they weren't happening. It's almost like conservative media ignored them because Trump was in charge and then stopped ignoring them when Biden got in to give the illusion that they started after Biden! Wait a second.....

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