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Dimon: Democrats should ‘grow up,’ listen to Trump supporters

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon slammed Democratic messaging about MAGA, or “Make America Great Again,” Republicans on Wednesday, telling Democrats to “grow up” and “listen” to supporters of former President Trump.

“When people say MAGA, they’re actually looking at people voting for Trump and … they’re basically scapegoating them,” Dimon told CNBC’s “Squawk Box.”

“I don’t like how [Trump] said things about Mexico … but he wasn’t wrong about some of these critical issues, and that’s why they’re voting for him,” Dimon continued. “And I think people should be a little more respectful of our fellow citizens.”

“I mean, really, can we just stop that stuff and actually grow up and treat other people with respect and listen to them a little bit,” he said, adding, “I think this negative talk about MAGA is going to hurt Biden’s election campaign.”

Dimon has stayed out of politics but I think what he is saying here is true.   People who support Trump are concerned about things.   People who support Biden are concerned about things.   Best to listen to all of them and deal with all the concerns.   This is a nice fresh take and I hope the nation gets it. 


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  On 1/17/2024 at 7:04 PM, mspart said:


Dimon: Democrats should ‘grow up,’ listen to Trump supporters

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon slammed Democratic messaging about MAGA, or “Make America Great Again,” Republicans on Wednesday, telling Democrats to “grow up” and “listen” to supporters of former President Trump.

“When people say MAGA, they’re actually looking at people voting for Trump and … they’re basically scapegoating them,” Dimon told CNBC’s “Squawk Box.”

“I don’t like how [Trump] said things about Mexico … but he wasn’t wrong about some of these critical issues, and that’s why they’re voting for him,” Dimon continued. “And I think people should be a little more respectful of our fellow citizens.”

“I mean, really, can we just stop that stuff and actually grow up and treat other people with respect and listen to them a little bit,” he said, adding, “I think this negative talk about MAGA is going to hurt Biden’s election campaign.”

Dimon has stayed out of politics but I think what he is saying here is true.   People who support Trump are concerned about things.   People who support Biden are concerned about things.   Best to listen to all of them and deal with all the concerns.   This is a nice fresh take and I hope the nation gets it. 



Couldn't agree more!!!!

Hate the childish name calling on both sides!!

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The hypocrisy from that section of that side of the aisle of demanding civility is hilarious.  They've alternated between calling Biden a child-eating pedophile and a bumbling senile puppet since 2020!  The double standard they DEMAND be enforced is incredible.


ETA:  Also, the idea that Dimon has stayed out of politics is wildly untrue.

Edited by VakAttack
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  On 1/17/2024 at 8:10 PM, VakAttack said:

The hypocrisy from that section of that side of the aisle of demanding civility is hilarious.  They've alternated between calling Biden a child-eating pedophile and a bumbling senile puppet since 2020!  The double standard they DEMAND be enforced is incredible.


ETA:  Also, the idea that Dimon has stayed out of politics is wildly untrue.


Good job making Dimon's point...can you ever just listen to WHAT is said regardless of WHO said it or reported it??  No need to answer, we all know what it is.

Do tell us how your side of the isle are poster child's of civility and are not hypocrits....this should be good.

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White liberal males are the most uncivil segment of americas population.  Agree with them or you’re racist. Ask them for facts they’ll give you partisan babble.  And they’ll back Biden til they’re blue in the face. And most all of them talk while doing nothing. 

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  On 1/17/2024 at 8:30 PM, Bigbrog said:

Good job making Dimon's point...can you ever just listen to WHAT is said regardless of WHO said it or reported it??  No need to answer, we all know what it is.

Do tell us how your side of the isle are poster child's of civility and are not hypocrits....this should be good.


I literally watched the video of him saying it.  I'm not missing his point at all, I'm pointing out the ridiculous double standard. He says that Democrats and Biden should "be more respectful of their fellow citizens" while never asking the same from the conservatives.  They always get a free pass in these conversations.  It's like when media claims that left-wingers "talk down about rural America" but right-wingers are given free reign to say whatever they want about cities.  Biden should be more respectful of the "75 million people voting for Trump" but Trump is out giving speeches about how the people who voted against him LITERALLY WANT TO DESTROY THE COUNTRY.  I wish the rhetoric from both sides was better, but it's not and Trump is a far more egregious accelerant to that than Biden is.

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Vak - it is really hard to make a coherent argument on this point.   You're statement is just sour grapes.  

Since when has Dimon been political?   I have never seen it.   He advocates in front of Congress for Wall Street and to be left alone.   And his statement seems to say that the Ds should listen or they will lose this election because of their obtuseness.   If anything, he is trying to tell the Ds what to do to not screw this up.  


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  On 1/17/2024 at 9:20 PM, mspart said:

Vak - it is really hard to make a coherent argument on this point.   You're statement is just sour grapes.  

Since when has Dimon been political?   I have never seen it.   He advocates in front of Congress for Wall Street and to be left alone.   And his statement seems to say that the Ds should listen or they will lose this election because of their obtuseness.   If anything, he is trying to tell the Ds what to do to not screw this up.  



How is it sour grapes?  It's ridiculous for people to demand to be treated with respect from a person that they have, again, alternated between calling a child-eating pedophile and a senile, dementia-ridden bumbling puppet.

Dimon has a long history of political advocacy, mostly for moderate Dem causes in the late aughts to early 2010s, and shifting rightward (though not dramatically so, since the middle of that decade.

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  On 1/17/2024 at 8:50 PM, VakAttack said:

I literally watched the video of him saying it.  I'm not missing his point at all, I'm pointing out the ridiculous double standard. He says that Democrats and Biden should "be more respectful of their fellow citizens" while never asking the same from the conservatives.  They always get a free pass in these conversations.  It's like when media claims that left-wingers "talk down about rural America" but right-wingers are given free reign to say whatever they want about cities.  Biden should be more respectful of the "75 million people voting for Trump" but Trump is out giving speeches about how the people who voted against him LITERALLY WANT TO DESTROY THE COUNTRY.  I wish the rhetoric from both sides was better, but it's not and Trump is a far more egregious accelerant to that than Biden is.


Ya Biden loves America so much he erased the border. 🤦‍♂️ Respecting americas citizens would mean closing the border down like the sanctuary cities are begging him too. It seems Biden cares little about either side 

Edited by JimmyBT
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  On 1/17/2024 at 9:37 PM, VakAttack said:

How is it sour grapes?  It's ridiculous for people to demand to be treated with respect from a person that they have, again, alternated between calling a child-eating pedophile and a senile, dementia-ridden bumbling puppet.

Dimon has a long history of political advocacy, mostly for moderate Dem causes in the late aughts to early 2010s, and shifting rightward (though not dramatically so, since the middle of that decade.


Whatever makes you feel good. 


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  On 1/18/2024 at 5:59 PM, mspart said:

Whatever makes you feel good. 



Good point.  So your argument is that Biden should treat the people who call him either a child-eating pedophile or dementia-ridden puppet with the utmost respect?  Because he personally draws a distinction between all Republicans and the MAGA movement. Or that Democrats in general should treat with respect the people who call them child-groomers intent on destroying the country? Why is this not a mutual requirement? 

Because that's what we're talking about here. Not the people who are able to converse respectfully with one another.  As mentioned previously, I consider @Husker_Du a personal friend and he and I differ greatly on politics.  Lots of my family members are on the conservative end of the spectrum, most of them are able to discuss things respectfully.

That kind of conversation happens all over the country every day.  If Dimon is talking about every progressive talking to every conservative, he's arguing against a straw man. 

Edited by VakAttack
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  On 1/18/2024 at 6:20 PM, VakAttack said:

Good point.  So your argument is that Biden should treat the people who call him either a child-eating pedophile or dementia-ridden puppet with the utmost respect?  Because he personally draws a distinction between all Republicans and the MAGA movement. Or that Democrats in general should treat with respect the people who call them child-groomers intent on destroying the country? Why is this not a mutual requirement? 

Because that's what we're talking about here. Not the people who are able to converse respectfully with one another.  As mentioned previously, I consider @Husker_Du a personal friend and he and I differ greatly on politics.  Lots of my family members are on the conservative end of the spectrum, most of them are able to discuss things respectfully.

That kind of conversation happens all over the country every day.  If Dimon is talking about every progressive talking to every conservative, he's arguing against a straw man. 


Progressive = Socialist.  

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  On 1/18/2024 at 6:20 PM, VakAttack said:

Good point.  So your argument is that Biden should treat the people who call him either a child-eating pedophile or dementia-ridden puppet with the utmost respect?  Because he personally draws a distinction between all Republicans and the MAGA movement. Or that Democrats in general should treat with respect the people who call them child-groomers intent on destroying the country? Why is this not a mutual requirement? 

Because that's what we're talking about here. Not the people who are able to converse respectfully with one another.  As mentioned previously, I consider @Husker_Du a personal friend and he and I differ greatly on politics.  Lots of my family members are on the conservative end of the spectrum, most of them are able to discuss things respectfully.

That kind of conversation happens all over the country every day.  If Dimon is talking about every progressive talking to every conservative, he's arguing against a straw man. 


it’s funny how dems think using a different word changes anything.  

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Dimon sees there is a danger to the Biden Presidency continuing due to his positioning of all things Trump are evil.  Everyone associated with those ideas are evil.   And that is essentially what they are saying with their rhetoric of "Democracy is at stake here".    So the obvious remedy to that is to decrease democracy and curtail the ability to vote for who is running.  Everyone can see this and sees different motives for this.  

Bret Stephens says it well here.   https://www.sltrib.com/opinion/commentary/2022/07/25/bret-stephens-i-was-wrong-about/

Bret Stephens: I was wrong about Trump voters

Telling voters they are moral ignoramuses is a bad way of getting them to change their minds.

...What were they seeing that I wasn’t?

That ought to have been the first question to ask myself. When I looked at Trump, I saw a bigoted blowhard making one ignorant argument after another. What Trump’s supporters saw was a candidate whose entire being was a proudly raised middle finger at a self-satisfied elite that had produced a failing status quo.

I was blind to this. Although I had spent the years of Barack Obama’s presidency denouncing his policies, my objections were more abstract than personal. I belonged to a social class that my friend Peggy Noonan called “the protected.” My family lived in a safe and pleasant neighborhood. Our kids went to an excellent public school. I was well paid, fully insured, insulated against life’s harsh edges.

Trump’s appeal, according to Noonan, was largely to people she called “the unprotected.” Their neighborhoods weren’t so safe and pleasant. Their schools weren’t so excellent. Their livelihoods weren’t so secure. Their experience of America was often one of cultural and economic decline, sometimes felt in the most personal of ways.

It was an experience compounded by the insult of being treated as losers and racists — clinging, in Obama’s notorious 2008 phrase, to “guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them.”

No wonder they were angry.

Anger can take dumb or dangerous turns, and with Trump they often took both. But that didn’t mean the anger was unfounded or illegitimate, or that it was aimed at the wrong target.

... This was the climate in which Trump’s campaign flourished. I could have thought a little harder about the fact that, in my dripping condescension toward his supporters, I was also confirming their suspicions about people like me — people who talked a good game about the virtues of empathy but practice it only selectively; people unscathed by the country’s problems yet unembarrassed to propound solutions.

I also could have given Trump voters more credit for nuance.

For every in-your-face MAGA warrior there were plenty of ambivalent Trump supporters, doubtful of his ability and dismayed by his manner, who were willing to take their chances on him because he had the nerve to defy deeply flawed conventional pieties.

Nor were they impressed by Trump critics who had their own penchant for hypocrisy and outright slander. To this day, precious few anti-Trumpers have been honest with themselves about the elaborate hoax — there’s just no other word for it — that was the Steele dossier and all the bogus allegations, credulously parroted in the mainstream media, that flowed from it.

But I would also approach these voters in a much different spirit than I did the last time. “A drop of honey catches more flies than a gallon of gall,” Abraham Lincoln noted early in his political career. “If you would win a man to your cause, first convince him that you are his sincere friend.” Words to live by, particularly for those of us in the business of persuasion.

He is saying essentially what Jamie Dimon said.   There are concerns out there that Trump addresses that the Democrats spit on.   There are independents that have concerns that Trump addresses and the Ds spit on them too.   At their peril.   It would be wise for the Ds to consider these concerns and address them.   They are doing that with the border but I think it is too late because of all the damage done over the past 3 years.   I think it is too late for the admin to say, "look we did something positive here" after 3 years of saying the border is closed, the border is safe, the border is under control.    Tell that to the folks in NYC and Chicago and every other D controlled sanctuary city that is receiving thousands.   It is now too late to reverse what has been done to this country because the admin really didn't care to control the border.   There are other things that folks are alarmed about with the Ds and by calling them all racists, MAGA haters, the issue is not resolved.   Hillary did herself no favors with her deplorables comment.   You would think there would be some learning going on but apparently not.  Biden does the same without using that word, but the same intent is there. 


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  On 1/18/2024 at 6:20 PM, VakAttack said:

Good point.  So your argument is that Biden should treat the people who call him either a child-eating pedophile or dementia-ridden puppet with the utmost respect?  Because he personally draws a distinction between all Republicans and the MAGA movement. Or that Democrats in general should treat with respect the people who call them child-groomers intent on destroying the country? Why is this not a mutual requirement? 

Because that's what we're talking about here. Not the people who are able to converse respectfully with one another.  As mentioned previously, I consider @Husker_Du a personal friend and he and I differ greatly on politics.  Lots of my family members are on the conservative end of the spectrum, most of them are able to discuss things respectfully.

That kind of conversation happens all over the country every day.  If Dimon is talking about every progressive talking to every conservative, he's arguing against a straw man. 


To your points.   I have not heard anyone call Biden a child eater.   Dementia yes.   Senile yes.  

I'm happy you have people in your life you can discuss things rationally with.   It does not seem to carry over here though. 

Dimon is not saying every progressive needs to talk to every conservative, he is saying the powers that be need to listen to the concerns of those leaning towards Trump and address those issues positively.   That is just practical politics.   The fact he had to say the Ds should grow up, shows that this will be more difficult in practice than on paper.  


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  On 1/17/2024 at 7:26 PM, Bigbrog said:

Couldn't agree more!!!!

Hate the childish name calling on both sides!!


What's your suggestion? 

Play nice with people who think literal demons possess their political opponents? Lie about any and everything as a compulsion or stand next to those that lie and say NOTHING? Refuse voting to impeach because they are afraid for their own safety even though their own inaction at many turns leading to that point would have stopped that MORON in the first place? These people are not patriots. They are cowards, charlatans, and grifters and we'll be better off when they are out of politics. 

Yes. Lets be nice to these people. Be more respectful. Because its dividing this country too much. And its making it harder for an incredibly wealthy guy who runs an incredibly wealthy business to make money. Which is why he gave the interview. It gives cover to those on the right to ask/guilt their opponents into being nice. Because they are likely to get shellacked come November. If he had any, genuine, interest in the betterment of the country he and many like him would change the way they do business. But they don't. So they won't. They just want to make sure the markets, within which, they have placed their bets are less volatile. 

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  On 1/18/2024 at 8:08 PM, mspart said:

To your points.   I have not heard anyone call Biden a child eater.   Dementia yes.   Senile yes.


Then you're not paying attention.




  On 1/18/2024 at 8:08 PM, mspart said:

I'm happy you have people in your life you can discuss things rationally with.   It does not seem to carry over here though. 


I'm sorry you feel that way. I feel that, in general, our exchanges have been cordial; however I would love to for you to point out a place where I've been irrational.

  On 1/18/2024 at 8:08 PM, mspart said:

Dimon is not saying every progressive needs to talk to every conservative, he is saying the powers that be need to listen to the concerns of those leaning towards Trump and address those issues positively.   That is just practical politics.   The fact he had to say the Ds should grow up, shows that this will be more difficult in practice than on paper.  



And Biden IS doing all that.  In the real world.  Getting things passed that are bipartisan support, despite the efforts of certain aspects of conservative political sphere trying hard to undermine that, and doing things counter to what the more progressive wings of his party want, such as how he's handling the Israel-Palestine conflict or his administrations actions re: drilling for oil.

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I would agree fairly cordial,  but I see condescension that is not helpful in discussions.   Your examples I honestly do not remember.   I have heard that Biden is creepy with women and nibbled on a little person's ear like a grandpa would.   He has been creepy with women and he did nibble on an ear like a grandpa would.   But there is a difference between your grandkid and a kid you don't know.   I chalk that up to senility or dementia really.  

Biden is doing nothing.  In fact, the House passed a resolution with 14 Ds condemning his handling of the Border.   Was that orchestrated by Biden?   Doubtful.  https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4414432-house-approves-resolution-denouncing-bidens-open-border-policies/   Would you call that an example of him working across the aisle?  

He has gotten flack for supporting Israel from the progressives (which shows where they are) and drilling for oil?   https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/29/politics/biden-offshore-drilling-plan-climate/index.html    yeah, a few oil leases to be sold over the next 5 years.   Really gonna do something.   The article states, The five-year drilling plan “represents the smallest number of oil and gas lease sales in history,” Interior Secretary Deb Haaland said in a statement.

That's a real strong endorsement of him wanting to drill, LOL. 

I think it is very interesting that this thread is about at least listening to concerns from the other side, there was immediate push back.   It is obvious that Dimon and later Stephens are correct.   And they are talking from a position that does not want Trump to succeed.   Then why the push back.   Seems like sage advice. 


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  On 1/18/2024 at 9:30 PM, mspart said:

I would agree fairly cordial,  but I see condescension that is not helpful in discussions.   Your examples I honestly do not remember.   I have heard that Biden is creepy with women and nibbled on a little person's ear like a grandpa would.   He has been creepy with women and he did nibble on an ear like a grandpa would.   But there is a difference between your grandkid and a kid you don't know.   I chalk that up to senility or dementia really.  

Biden is doing nothing.  In fact, the House passed a resolution with 14 Ds condemning his handling of the Border.   Was that orchestrated by Biden?   Doubtful.  https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4414432-house-approves-resolution-denouncing-bidens-open-border-policies/   Would you call that an example of him working across the aisle?  

He has gotten flack for supporting Israel from the progressives (which shows where they are) and drilling for oil?   https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/29/politics/biden-offshore-drilling-plan-climate/index.html    yeah, a few oil leases to be sold over the next 5 years.   Really gonna do something.   The article states, The five-year drilling plan “represents the smallest number of oil and gas lease sales in history,” Interior Secretary Deb Haaland said in a statement.

That's a real strong endorsement of him wanting to drill, LOL. 

I think it is very interesting that this thread is about at least listening to concerns from the other side, there was immediate push back.   It is obvious that Dimon and later Stephens are correct.   And they are talking from a position that does not want Trump to succeed.   Then why the push back.   Seems like sage advice. 



Disagreeing with somebody is not condescending.  However, I freely admit there are some people on here that I have condescended to on this thread (and who have condescended to me).  However, it seems like you and Mr. Dimon are only focusing on one side that needs to show respect to the other, and THAT has been my point from the beginning of my entry into this thread.  Democrats and Biden are called to task for even the mildest criticism or disrespect, whereas Trump and Republicans are allowed to make among the most despicable accusations one can make with no proof and it's all handwaved away.

As to Biden breaking with his party, here's a quick smattering of the oil links and the last one touches on multiple breaks with party.





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It is common for voters to speak ill of politicians.  It is common for politicians to attack their political opponents.  What Dimon is getting at is that from the elitist media, to biden, to hiliary, attacking the voters who have repeatedly shown their sagacity, is not a winning strategy. 

The Republicans think democrats are good people with a bad plan.  Dimocrats think Republicans are bad people.  

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