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  On 2/14/2024 at 10:35 PM, TNwrestling said:

Wait until you realize that there is no god or any god and the blackness you experienced before you were born is what you'll experience after you die and the reason we created religion in the first place was becuase we, as a species, evolved too far past the other animals on this planet and got an over inflatied sense of our own self worth and couldnt fathom a world or life in which we dont exist so we created an after life, based on nothing. we wrote the books, we wrote the tablets, we wrote it all and said it was a higher power. we've done it for thousands and thousands of years, all across the entire planet.


...but there's nothing. nada. when you die you die. 


life has much more meaning when you do


That's exactly the point, right? Humans are sort of programmed to want to believe in something, yet there's countless ways this belief takes place. So maybe we should just accept everyone's particular beliefs in divinity-or-not and move on. There are much better things to fight about, like a Dual Championship or whether Travis Kelce was being rude to his coach.

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  On 2/14/2024 at 1:22 AM, AgaveMaria said:

You must not spend much time on land used for cattle.


Let's get back to grazing.  I own land that cattle have grazed on, you?

Sure there are highly erodible soils and land where grazing could be a problem but very small percentage if managed properly.

I have other acreage that deer, pronghorn and elk graze on.  I've recieved no AUM payments from them.  Deer are very destructive like an evasive species yet govt control programs are ineffective.  

Maybe killing all the Bison was a good thing cause they were gonna destroy the country.  🙄

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  On 2/15/2024 at 4:21 PM, ionel said:

Let's get back to grazing.  I own land that cattle have grazed on, you?

Sure there are highly erodible soils and land where grazing could be a problem but very small percentage if managed properly.

I have other acreage that deer, pronghorn and elk graze on.  I've recieved no AUM payments from them.  Deer are very destructive like an evasive species yet govt control programs are ineffective.  

Maybe killing all the Bison was a good thing cause they were gonna destroy the country.  🙄


You need any help ridding the deer on that ranch?

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Missing in action Jimmy Cinnabon now has a 12 page thread he created chock full of participants who hate him? Please bring him back, at least until the season is over. Figure it out then, meanwhile I want to hear what he has to say during this very exciting time in D1 Men’s Collegiate Wrestling. Thanks boss in advance for your consideration!

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  On 2/15/2024 at 5:12 PM, Rassling said:

Missing in action Jimmy Cinnabon now has a 12 page thread he created chock full of participants who hate him? Please bring him back, at least until the season is over. Figure it out then, meanwhile I want to hear what he has to say during this very exciting time in D1 Men’s Collegiate Wrestling. Thanks boss in advance for your consideration!


He's still here:


Now come on, we are talking about grazing and feral cats on this thread.  

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I'm not about banning people but Jimmy's return should have stipulations. Such as only starting 1-2 threads a week. Recently the guy posted something like 8-10 threads in 7 days, some not even about wrestling, and most about how great PSU is. It's annoying. Even if he posted nonstop praise about my team that often I'd be annoyed.

Edited by alex1fly
  • Haha 1
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  On 2/15/2024 at 5:05 PM, TNwrestling said:

I have a feral cat problem, is that the same thing? Can you fix that?


High powered silenced pellet rifles work well.

.22 or .25 cal is very good with air powered rifles. .30, .357, .45 and .50 calibre are generally way too much power.

One of mine I take coyotes with is nice and quiet. The sound of the pellet hitting is louder than the shot. Accuracy is the hallmark of good quality pellet rifles. Am regularly taking blackbirds off power lines and tree branches at 75 yards. Head shots on swimming muskrats at that range are normal.

Pellets don't ricochet like regular bullets or even 22 rimfires do. Much safer for the shooter than using BB's - which are steel and bounce back if they hit something hard, like the wood in a knothole.

Adjustable power with some is great. Pigeons in the barn without the pellet going through them and making a hole in the roof is nice. So is taking pigeons from the grain elevators at 20 to 100 yards and even more.

Feral cats are no match for these air rifles.

” Never attribute to inspiration that which can be adequately explained by delusion”.

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  On 2/17/2024 at 8:19 PM, ionel said:

Smith said. “... Eliminate all the crap that we’ve dealt with in the last two years — make sure that is removed and away from your team."

I wonder what/who he was talking about?  🤔



Post Traumatic Ferrari Disorder.

John is getting better and it show.

” Never attribute to inspiration that which can be adequately explained by delusion”.

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