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  On 2/14/2024 at 6:08 PM, bnwtwg said:



I don't see that as a counterpoint.  I would say it's someone who is impressionable and susceptible to the propaganda that was fed to him &  he would be just as susceptible to another mechanism of propaganda if religion was replaced.  My point remains.  Eradicating religion wouldn't bring this rise of intellectual reasoning.  The powers at be would just replace it with something else

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  On 2/14/2024 at 6:21 PM, PortaJohn said:

I don't see that as a counterpoint.  I would say it's someone who is impressionable and susceptible to the propaganda that was fed to him &  he would be just as susceptible to another mechanism of propaganda if religion was replaced.  My point remains.  Eradicating religion wouldn't bring this rise of intellectual reasoning.  The powers at be would just replace it with something else


Oh don't worry we are on the same page. But any chance I can put a huckster on blast imma do it

i am an idiot on the internet

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  On 2/14/2024 at 3:06 PM, PortaJohn said:

Then you should ask your history teachers to refund your parents the tax payer dollars from your local school district


Are you saying war has been started by atheists in the name of atheism, or just that atheists themselves have started a war?  I'm sure the second one may be true (although I don't know off the top of my head who they would be, undoubtedly there are historical atheists behind the start of a war; being an atheist doesn't immunize your from being a violent, psychopathic asshole.)  Typically humans aren't going to respond passionately to negative identification, whereas positive identification typically is how one would inspire fanaticism, at least, passion.

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  On 2/14/2024 at 6:41 PM, PortaJohn said:

I might've been a little unfair to @TNwrestling.  I quoted him on his statement that didn't specify whether or not he meant wars started in the name of atheism


Fair response, i did mean in the name of athiesm as wars have been started in the name of religion. Your counterpoint was enough for me to understand what you meant though. 

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  On 2/14/2024 at 6:38 PM, VakAttack said:

Ahh, ok.  Then I agree.



  On 2/14/2024 at 6:41 PM, PortaJohn said:

I might've been a little unfair to @TNwrestling.  I quoted him on his statement that didn't specify whether or not he meant wars started in the name of atheism



  On 2/14/2024 at 6:46 PM, TNwrestling said:

Fair response, i did mean in the name of athiesm as wars have been started in the name of religion. Your counterpoint was enough for me to understand what you meant though. 


I did not have "Forum posters find peace and unity on page 11 of an AJ Ferarri thread" on my 2024 bingo card

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i am an idiot on the internet

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  On 2/14/2024 at 7:12 PM, bnwtwg said:



I did not have "Forum posters find peace and unity on page 11 of an AJ Ferarri thread" on my 2024 bingo card


We're meant to believe we're so pitted against each other. Its always red vs blue, trump or biden, blah blah


but when we sit down and actually have civilized conversations, more often than not (ofc there are insane people on both sides who are incapable of being reasoned with) we're able to find common middle ground. At least thats been my experience. 


and the more these conversations happen the better off we are as a whole as a society. The powers at be dont want that. They want us fighting so we stay in a constant state of fear to keep buying products we don't need so they can keep getting richer. 


sorry, thats a conversation not meant for this board. Yay wreslting. 

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  On 2/14/2024 at 7:25 PM, TNwrestling said:

We're meant to believe we're so pitted against each other. Its always red vs blue, trump or biden, blah blah


but when we sit down and actually have civilized conversations, more often than not (ofc there are insane people on both sides who are incapable of being reasoned with) we're able to find common middle ground. At least thats been my experience. 


and the more these conversations happen the better off we are as a whole as a society. The powers at be dont want that. They want us fighting so we stay in a constant state of fear to keep buying products we don't need so they can keep getting richer. 


sorry, thats a conversation not meant for this board. Yay wreslting. 



Most divisiveness happens on your phone/computer too. Set the screen down and it’s amazing how alike we are. 

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  On 2/14/2024 at 6:46 PM, TNwrestling said:

Fair response, i did mean in the name of athiesm as wars have been started in the name of religion. Your counterpoint was enough for me to understand what you meant though. 


What you are describing is part of what the Apostle Paul calls the mystery of iniquity in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2. It is Satan's counterfeit religious system that takes the emphasis off of the Lord Jesus Christ and what He did and puts the emphasis on man and what man can do to curry favor with God through works of the flesh (which is a futile effort). Satan is the great deceiver and counterfeiter, so unfortunately most of Christendom at large is taking part in the mystery of iniquity without even realizing it. This is in stark contrast to what the Apostle Paul calls the mystery of godliness in 1 Tim chapter 3. The mystery of godliness is how that when believers are placed into the body of Christ upon trusting on the Lord Jesus Christ they are made godly by their spiritual union with Christ. It is all about Christ and what He did, not about us and what we did or could ever do on our own. 

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  On 2/7/2024 at 4:38 PM, TNwrestling said:

This has turned into the most boring conversation on this entire forum...


..but at least we're not talking about aj anymore. so i guess its still a win. 


I thought the most boring argument on here was the strength of Aaron Negao’s schedule this year and last. Multiple pages of those boring takes. 

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  On 2/14/2024 at 8:20 PM, Gus said:

What you are describing is part of what the Apostle Paul calls the mystery of iniquity in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2. It is Satan's counterfeit religious system that takes the emphasis off of the Lord Jesus Christ and what He did and puts the emphasis on man and what man can do to curry favor with God through works of the flesh (which is a futile effort). Satan is the great deceiver and counterfeiter, so unfortunately most of Christendom at large is taking part in the mystery of iniquity without even realizing it. This is in stark contrast to what the Apostle Paul calls the mystery of godliness in 1 Tim chapter 3. The mystery of godliness is how that when believers are placed into the body of Christ upon trusting on the Lord Jesus Christ they are made godly by their spiritual union with Christ. It is all about Christ and what He did, not about us and what we did or could ever do on our own. 


For those of us who aren't a part of your book club its called history...


...throughout history people have killed innocents and waged war in the name of their religion. Every religion. Even Christianity. 

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  On 2/14/2024 at 10:25 PM, alex1fly said:

Wait until you guys hear that God is more of a life force than some mystical being in the sky, and that Jesus wanted us to emulate him rather than worship him. We might just keep this thread going indefinitely! 😆


Wait until you realize that there is no god or any god and the blackness you experienced before you were born is what you'll experience after you die and the reason we created religion in the first place was becuase we, as a species, evolved too far past the other animals on this planet and got an over inflatied sense of our own self worth and couldnt fathom a world or life in which we dont exist so we created an after life, based on nothing. we wrote the books, we wrote the tablets, we wrote it all and said it was a higher power. we've done it for thousands and thousands of years, all across the entire planet.


...but there's nothing. nada. when you die you die. 


life has much more meaning when you do

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  On 2/14/2024 at 10:35 PM, TNwrestling said:

Wait until you realize that there is no god or any god and the blackness you experienced before you were born is what you'll experience after you die and the reason we created religion in the first place was becuase we, as a species, evolved too far past the other animals on this planet and got an over inflation of our own self worth and couldnt fathom a world or life in which we dont exist so we created an after life, based on nothing. we wrote the books, we wrote the tablets, we wrote it all and said it was a higher power. we've done it for thousands and thousands of years, all across the entire planet.


...but there's nothing. nada. when you die you die. 


life has much more meaning when you do


Or you come to your real consciousness and your buddy asks you how realistic the simulation program was that he just bought from Game Stop

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  On 2/14/2024 at 10:43 PM, PortaJohn said:

Or you come to your real consciousness and your buddy asks you how realistic the simulation program was that he just bought from Game Stop


Which is essentially a new religion for many... and not a bad one.

Better than some (the ones that demand followers to murder - for instance.)

I'd next post here something about the OP - but let's be honest, AJ's future is limited. The model of unfulfilled potential.

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