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Southern border


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  On 12/12/2023 at 6:24 PM, Plasmodium said:

Border Patrol must follow the law.


And the law says that they are to stop illegal entry into the US.   They are being prohibited from following the law by executive authority.   Pure and simple.   It is a political decision by the executive to allow untold immigrants entering our country illegally and then trying to make it look legal by using asylum laws to process everyone, not just the few actual asylum cases.  


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  On 12/12/2023 at 7:46 PM, mspart said:

And the law says that they are to stop illegal entry into the US.   They are being prohibited from following the law by executive authority.   Pure and simple.   It is a political decision by the executive to allow untold immigrants entering our country illegally and then trying to make it look legal by using asylum laws to process everyone, not just the few actual asylum cases.  



The Biden administration has to be sued to force compliance with the law.

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CHICAGO — In a videotaped criticism of migrant policy, the president of the Illinois National Association for the Advancement of Colored People compared migrants to “savages” and accused them of rape — comments that have prompted a call for her to resign.”


”In the video, Haley objected to migrants having been given lodging and clothing while Black and homeless people have been ignored.”





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  On 12/14/2023 at 2:23 PM, Plasmodium said:

How is it related, Einstein?


It is a fair question.  How is an article about illegal aliens committing heinous crimes related to an article about someone commenting about illegal aliens committing heinous crimes?  D'uh.  Show the link!!!

Next thing you know someone will claim that guns in the hands of criminals who have recently been released from custody without punishment are related to gun related crimes by criminals.  And then where will we be?

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It doesn't provide any context, other than hate, bigotry and scaremongering.   The crime didn't occur because of undocumented migrants, it occurred despite that. It would be more relevant to post an article of a murder committed by an American.  No shortage of those.  Relevant question is why are American crime rates so much higher than immigrant crime rates?  Seems like the way for our society to experience fewer of these crimes is to encourage immigration AND emigration.

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your premise is dumb even on the surface:

"If americans commit crimes, what's so bad about illegals committing crimes in america?"

full idiocy.

but it gets worse when you realize the amount of illegals that have sauntered across the border in the last 3 years and are now a part of the american fabric - that were offenders in their home countries.

it is this kind of virtue signaling lack of of reality that got biden elected to begin with.

you're just not a serious person. 

you want to take your genius thesis to the parents of one of the countless murdered americans?

the instances of which there are no shortage of?


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  On 12/15/2023 at 9:03 PM, Husker_Du said:

your premise is dumb even on the surface:

"If americans commit crimes, what's so bad about illegals committing crimes in america?"

full idiocy.

but it gets worse when you realize the amount of illegals that have sauntered across the border in the last 3 years and are now a part of the american fabric -e that were offenders in their home countries.


Not my premise.  Einstein.

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