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Why would a really good team (Michigan) go to such lengths to steal signs (illegally)from below average teams in order to win.


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Never liked Michigan.  Bo Schem....   embodied them for me.  Was too good to play UW in the Rose Bowl and lost.  Was too good to play BYU in the 1984 Holiday Bowl and lost.   Each of those he gave tiresome diatribes of how great Michigan was and they were just too good to have to actually play low lifes like UW (Washington) and BYU.   What rude schlubs. 

Well, Karma coming 40 years later.  


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Young brainiac comes in with an idea, executes his idea, takes his results to the coach, look what I got, coach says hmmmmm….I like it. Let’s do it. 

Why do you do it on the weaker teams? The same reason you schedule western potato pie state the first game or two of the season …..practice. 

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1 hour ago, Offthemat said:

All these questions: is there money involved?

Yes there is a lot of money involved . The coaches all get additional big bonuses for winning the Big Ten Championship. Also for making College football playoffs . Also for winning a National Championship. In Michigan's case IM SURE HE GETS  a really nice bonus for beating Ohio State. Several years ago Michigan's Coaching staff base pay was 17 million dollars. Then you add the bonus money on to that.

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17 minutes ago, Paul158 said:

Yes there is a lot of money involved . The coaches all get additional big bonuses for winning the Big Ten Championship. Also for making College football playoffs . Also for winning a National Championship. In Michigan's case IM SURE HE GETS  a really nice bonus for beating Ohio State. Several years ago Michigan's Coaching staff base pay was 17 million dollars. Then you add the bonus money on to that.

I can't be the only one that finds those numbers obscene.

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I play in a competitive senior baseball league against men between 45 to 55 years old.

The coaches scout the competition.

The coaches talk to the umpire for 10 minutes before the game about who can be a courtesy runner, subs, etc.

The teams call-out catcher signs from second base.

During gameplay, the coaches call the local league commissioner for rulings on the field.

The teams write emails to the MSBL headquarters in New York.

All of this occurs regardless of who is winning or losing.

Only pride is at stake in my games... rather than millions (Michigan) riding on the outcome.

People hate losing... and hate losing even more when their livelihood depends on it.

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On 11/9/2023 at 11:11 AM, Paul158 said:

How stupid can Michigan be to be stealing (in illegal ways) signs from teams that they can easily beat straight up. Now they are under investigation again by the Big Ten and the NCAA.

Also look at their record before stealing signs and look at their record in bowl games when they didn't know who to steal from then compare to in conference record when they were stealing signs.  How did they get so good?  🤔

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mich beat Ohio State.   tOSU is now out of BCS contention.   Who bets Iowa beats Michigan in the B1G championship?   #18 vs #2?  

In other news, My team Alabama barely squeaked out a win over Auburn in the Iron Bowl.   If not for the hail mary on 4th and 26 goal to go, Auburn would have won that game.   Even though they are my team, I won't say they deserved to win.   It was a fluke play that scored the last touchdown.   I'm happy for the win because Auburn is the worst.   But Auburn should have won that game.  


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