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I heard that majority of the population agrees on 80% of the issues. Let us test that.


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  On 11/25/2022 at 8:21 PM, jross said:

Is this applicable at any point and for any reason?


This is a medical question that should be answered by doctors.
It's not the domain that laymen should be intruding on.

It's a medical decision and it's none of my business unless I'm involved.
Just as we don't get a say in when a man goes in for a vasectomy.

Roe v Wade was a compromise that worked for a long time.

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  On 11/25/2022 at 8:40 PM, jross said:

Part of this discussion is pointed at 'not assuming.'   Mike tried to set a trap on another discussion, and his bias prevented reading comprehension.


Again, what are your thoughts on Georgia's new abortion law?

Six weeks max and


Abortion rights groups have criticized Georgia’s law as extreme, noting that it bans abortion before people often know they’re pregnant. Victims seeking abortion due to rape or incest are required to file a police report on the assault to receive the exemption.


Why are GOP laws always the MOST INVASIVE when they claim to want less government intrusion into citizen's private lives?

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The devil is always in the details, as we see.
I agree with the heading of the topic... Majority agree..80%...
Yet, our voting population is divided nearly 50/50 on what we've been led to believe are "the issues".  This begs the question, Why the discrepancy?  What is the "invisible force" pulling us toward that 50/50 divide?  To answer this question, one need only ask another question... Who benefits from the voting population being divided nearly 50/50?  I think that one is easy to answer.  Just look at whose pockets are bulging to overflow while we're busy arguing "the issues".
Another observation I've made... It seems to me that there has been a lot less political bantering since we have our new home with a special room where this is allowed.
Is this an example of the forbidden fruit being sweeter?

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  On 11/25/2022 at 7:36 PM, Husker_Du said:

Ban Basketball: "All republicans are extremists"

Also Ban Basketball: "Here are my ideas, and they're all extreme"


You said all, not me.

Which ideas of mine are extreme?  This should be fun to watch, eh, friends?

Owner of over two decades of the most dangerous words on the internet!  In fact, during the short life of this forum, me's culture has been cancelled three times on this very site!

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  On 11/25/2022 at 9:24 PM, BerniePragle said:

The devil is always in the details, as we see.
I agree with the heading of the topic... Majority agree..80%...
Yet, our voting population is divided nearly 50/50 on what we've been led to believe are "the issues".  This begs the question, Why the discrepancy?  What is the "invisible force" pulling us toward that 50/50 divide?  To answer this question, one need only ask another question... Who benefits from the voting population being divided nearly 50/50?  I think that one is easy to answer.  Just look at whose pockets are bulging to overflow while we're busy arguing "the issues".
Another observation I've made... It seems to me that there has been a lot less political bantering since we have our new home with a special room where this is allowed.
Is this an example of the forbidden fruit being sweeter?


The tone is better here for some reason.

It's clear there's a large divide, but it hasn't degenerated into name calling and sloganeering.
That's a big plus.

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  On 11/25/2022 at 11:55 PM, jross said:
Honest question.  What is the thought process that supports dispatching innocent babies in the womb while wanting convicted murderous criminals to live?  

Re: capital cases.

From an economic standpoint, it’s cheaper to keep someone alive in prison than it is to conduct at least two trials for a capital case.

Also, the fact that there is a massive racial disparity in terms of who is tried for capital offenses sticks in my craw.

Last but not least, the number of capital cases overturned in the last forty years is staggering. Not on technicalities; stuff like police suppression of exculpatory evidence. Or DNA evidence that meant that the person convicted in court could not have been the person who committed the crime.

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What is a staggering number of cases overturned?

In my view, if you have a clear-cut case like where there is video footage of someone murdering someone else in the morning, you hang'em that afternoon.  WTF is Dzhokhar Tsarnaev doing alive past April 2013?  Why was Edmund Kemper allowed to live after confessing to killing his grandparents?  

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  On 11/25/2022 at 11:55 PM, jross said:

Honest question.  What is the thought process that supports dispatching innocent babies in the womb while wanting convicted murderous criminals to live?  


When does a fertilized egg become a 'baby'.

Does the mother's life factor in in any way for you?

What about rape and incest?

Why is it any of anyone's business who isn't one of the two parties involved?

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  On 11/26/2022 at 1:52 AM, jross said:
What is a staggering number of cases overturned?

In my view, if you have a clear-cut case like where there is video footage of someone murdering someone else in the morning, you hang'em that afternoon.  WTF is Dzhokhar Tsarnaev doing alive past April 2013?  Why was Edmund Kemper allowed to live after confessing to killing his grandparents?  

Since 1973, at least 190 people who were on death row have been exonerated.

That’s a lot of people that ***someone*** likely knew was innocent but either through malice, indifference or negligence, worked to get sentenced to death.

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  On 11/26/2022 at 1:52 AM, jross said:

What is a staggering number of cases overturned?

In my view, if you have a clear-cut case like where there is video footage of someone murdering someone else in the morning, you hang'em that afternoon.  WTF is Dzhokhar Tsarnaev doing alive past April 2013?  Why was Edmund Kemper allowed to live after confessing to killing his grandparents?  


If a police officer or district attorney lies or hides evidence in a capital case then they should immediately be put to death?

If someone was convicted for a capital crime and then exonerated with DNA evidence, do we execute the judge and the jury?

Why do you care so much about the pitiful difference between life in prison and the death penalty?

Why are you so fired up about 'saving babies' that you will never meet but so gung ho to kill other people you will never meet?

Is there no circumstance too arcane for the GOP base to not have a compelling interest?

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  On 11/26/2022 at 2:20 AM, Mike Parrish said:
If a police officer or district attorney lies or hides evidence in a capital case then they should immediately be put to death?
If someone was convicted for a capital crime and then exonerated with DNA evidence, do we execute the judge and the jury?
Why do you care so much about the pitiful difference between life in prison and the death penalty?
Why are you so fired up about 'saving babies' that you will never meet but so gung ho to kill other people you will never meet?
Is there no circumstance too arcane for the GOP base to not have a compelling interest?

I like that.

If a police officer, prosecutor or other law enforcement willingly hides, destroys or otherwise denies the accused access to exculpatory evidence, they should be subjected to the same sentence as the exonerated. Their home and all possessions shall be forfeit and sold to compensate those they wronged.

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  On 11/24/2022 at 5:38 PM, Mike Parrish said:

Where does Georgia fall on your scale?
Legal up to 6 weeks.

Most women don't know they're pregnant at that point.
Many fetal abnormalities aren't apparent at that point.


My understanding of Georgia law is this

  • A mother can get medical treatment to address miscarriage, stillbirth, and ectopic pregnancy at any time.  [This is not classified as an abortion.]
  • A mother can legally have an abortion when
    • anytime her life or health is at risk
    • anytime her unborn child is detected to have a fatal defect
    • the probable gestational age of the unborn child is 20 weeks or less, and the pregnancy results from rape or incest, in which an official police report has been filed
    • the unborn child is yet to have a heartbeat (before six weeks)

As for Georgia, the law is working the way it is intended.  The state passed, and the governor signed the heartbeat bill into law in 2019.  


I believe that the unborn is a life that deserves to live.  The unborn is not a clump of cells to be removed like a wart.

In my view, the unborn has a right to live so long as it is not at the cost of the mother's life or health.  In the rare case of severe and fatal birth defects, it is tolerable to spare the child from suffrage.  Understandably, a biological mother would not want to parent a child from an affair, rape, or incest.  These children can be given up for adoption and have a chance at a happy life rather than be terminated due to a biological parent's mistakes.  

Guttmacher and other surveys have repeatedly found that the overwhelming reason for abortion is that the mother is not 'ready' to parent, rather than for medical necessity.  An unfit mother should give that child up for adoption rather than terminate the next potential GOAT of wrestling. 

My teenage sister became pregnant from a one-night stand with a coworker.  Abortion was seriously considered, and my sister decided to move forward with a closed adoption.  A family was quickly found (and later disappointed).  When my sister was further along in pregnancy, my parents decided to raise my niece as a legal guardian and adopt her after the fifth year.  After my niece was born, my sister moved to cheese country and returned in the fifth year, taking over parental responsibilities.  My mother is in her 60s and recently discovered she has a half-sister from her mother's affair.  Her parents adopted the baby out rather than terminating her.  This is the way.

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  On 11/26/2022 at 2:20 AM, Mike Parrish said:

Why are you so fired up about 'saving babies' that you will never meet but so gung ho to kill other people you will never meet?


If you shared the belief that the unborn are human beings, you would classify abortion as a homicide.  You would question WTF is wrong with a society that is good with 500K+ innocents being terminated each year.  Then HTF is this same group going to make the case that the worst people should live?  49 years of 500K+ innocents aborted due to a mother's discretion is 24.5M+.  People are good with that?  Across 49 years there are 190 known cases of the wrongfully convicted on death row.  In 2018 there were 180K murderers incarcerated.  190/180K is ~0%. 

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  On 11/26/2022 at 4:02 AM, jross said:

If you shared the belief that the unborn are human beings, you would classify abortion as a homicide.  You would question WTF is wrong with a society that is good with 500K+ innocents being terminated each year.  Then HTF is this same group going to make the case that the worst people should live?  49 years of 500K+ innocents aborted due to a mother's discretion is 24.5M+.  People are good with that?  Across 49 years there are 190 known cases of the wrongfully convicted on death row.  In 2018 there were 180K murderers incarcerated.  190/180K is ~0%. 


For a group that loves to fly the Gadson flag, you guys sure don't seem to understand it.

Biology, even less so.

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  On 11/26/2022 at 4:02 AM, jross said:
If you shared the belief that the unborn are human beings, you would classify abortion as a homicide.  You would question WTF is wrong with a society that is good with 500K+ innocents being terminated each year.  Then HTF is this same group going to make the case that the worst people should live?  49 years of 500K+ innocents aborted due to a mother's discretion is 24.5M+.  People are good with that?  Across 49 years there are 190 known cases of the wrongfully convicted on death row.  In 2018 there were 180K murderers incarcerated.  190/180K is ~0%. 

A mother’s indiscretion?

It seems we are getting to the root of the problem now.

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  On 11/25/2022 at 7:11 PM, Ban Basketball said:



Pretty much fully agree, but also believe that it should either be free or greatly made cheaper.

Extreme and stupid. It's called socialism.


Same view, plus easing into 100% renewables.

i don't disagree but, 'Easing in is not what this admin is doing.'

Govt. Spending.

Need much more of it and higher taxes on those paying single digits to pay for it.

Extreme and stupid. It's called socialism.

Gun Rights.

Full bans on public ownership of anything outside of shotguns and rifles for sport or hunting. 



We need more people in the U.S. to solve worker shortages.  Massive overhaul to alliow more legal immigration and citizenship for those already here. 

Perhaps. but not the way the system is currently, which is broken and stupid (and probably indictable.)


Defund the poop out of it and put the funds where they are needed.

Extreme and stupid. It's called socialism.

Personal Responsibility.

Pretty much the same view, except I'm a full on social libertarian. 

One of the (unspoken/unaddressed) hallmarks of the current woke idiots like yourself is the absence or reduction in personal responsibility. name a topic, any topic - your class of idiots are removing the personal accountability aspect of it.

Govt. Regulatons.

They keep our society civil and functioning.  I'm ok with even more of it.

More gov't regulation. Yeah. That's not extreme. Go take your booster, nut bag. 

Death Penalty.

100% abolishment. 

Extreme, stupid, and waste to tax payers.


Need much more of it, done far more equitably to fund our society. 

Extreme and stupid. It's called socialism. Who the eff wants someone taking more of their money to do with it as they please?


Even though I don't vote in any partisan elections,  I do like the national holiday idea.

Never should one person in America be denied the right to vote, including those with no  I.D. If ONE American can't vote,  that's criminal. 

Anyone that suggests that you should be able to vote without an ID is a full scale moron. 


that you think your positions on these things are tame is a giant problem.

unfortunately, there's a decent size percentage that are equally indoctrinated. 


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  On 11/26/2022 at 6:10 AM, Husker_Du said:

that you think your positions on these things are tame is a giant problem.

unfortunately, there's a decent size percentage that are equally indoctrinated. 


Why, YES, you're right, sir!  As the concept of free eggakashun has NEVER occurred, nor happened in Merica, has it, sir?

Watch this, friends.  😉

Owner of over two decades of the most dangerous words on the internet!  In fact, during the short life of this forum, me's culture has been cancelled three times on this very site!

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1) i suggest you click on 'expand' on the quote

2) if you're talking about K-12 education it already is 'free' (although taxpayers foot the bill)

if you're talking about free college, then yes, it's extreme and stupid. even considering that $1 of my tax money attributed to you becoming the way you are has me puking up last night's cranberry sauce.


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