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Republican or not?


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  On 9/11/2023 at 4:57 PM, mspart said:

So authoritarianism predominantly resides on the conservative side?   Yes Brother Bob also treated Left wing, but the Wiki article you provide only mentions that while going on and on about the conservative authoritarianism.   Interesting ignoring of history and current events.   Why would anyone be concerned with authoritarianism on one side rather than on all sides?

NM Governor declaring Albuquerque a gun free zone.   She is a D, not an evil R conservative.   Does this action not even hint at authoritarianism?   It is not a law, she just pulled this one out all on her own and pretends it has the force of law.   You will find what you don't like on all sides,  not just the one you consider evil. 



Classic example that if you only read the cover and not the book,  you won't get an accurate picture. 

He defines right wing and left wing different from what you're referring to.

Owner of over two decades of the most dangerous words on the internet!  In fact, during the short life of this forum, me's culture has been cancelled three times on this very site!

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  On 9/11/2023 at 5:05 PM, Ban Basketball said:

Classic example that if you only read the cover and not the book,  you won't get an accurate picture. 

He defines right wing and left wing different from what you're referring to.


He may define differently, but my point is you can find authoritarianism on all sides.   It is not more pervasive on one side over another.   All sides have it.


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  On 9/11/2023 at 5:48 PM, mspart said:

He may define differently, but my point is you can find authoritarianism on all sides.   It is not more pervasive on one side over another.   All sides have it.



It’s unlikely that he’s reliable on any count, he’s in cahoots with one of the lyingest liars of all time, John Dean.  

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  On 9/11/2023 at 5:48 PM, mspart said:

He may define differently, but my point is you can find authoritarianism on all sides.   It is not more pervasive on one side over another.   All sides have it.



His research does not show that.  In the U.S. it has been one-sided for decades. 

We may not like his results,  but they speak for themselves.  I would suggest that instead of trying to deny it or point fingers elsewhere we may want to come up with ways to combat it because it is on the rise today,  right before our very eyes. 

Owner of over two decades of the most dangerous words on the internet!  In fact, during the short life of this forum, me's culture has been cancelled three times on this very site!

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So if I see authoritarianism being practiced not in a way Bro Bob tells us it is, then it must not be true? 

When my D governor says all state workers MUST get vacccinated, that is not authoritarian, it is just being concerned for the welfare of those particular workers?  And as a result of unintended consequences, mountain passes did not get cleared of snow and the state ferry system has been crippled.   All because he won't allow those folks to be hired back at the positions they were at when terminated.  

Or when the D NM governor decrees that there are now 2 places in the state where no guns can be carried but in a lock box, that is not authoritarian?

Or when the D President, through executive order tries to make me pay for student loans that the students can't pay, that is not authoritarian?   No law passed.   Executive order used in this way is the definition of authoritarianism.   It doesn't matter what persuasion you are. 

So if D's do it, no problem.   If R's do it, big problem.   Yes, I get it and the logic is tiresome. 


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  On 9/11/2023 at 7:23 PM, mspart said:

So if I see authoritarianism being practiced not in a way Bro Bob tells us it is, then it must not be true? 

When my D governor says all state workers MUST get vacccinated, that is not authoritarian, it is just being concerned for the welfare of those particular workers?  And as a result of unintended consequences, mountain passes did not get cleared of snow and the state ferry system has been crippled.   All because he won't allow those folks to be hired back at the positions they were at when terminated.  

Or when the D NM governor decrees that there are now 2 places in the state where no guns can be carried but in a lock box, that is not authoritarian?

Or when the D President, through executive order tries to make me pay for student loans that the students can't pay, that is not authoritarian?   No law passed.   Executive order used in this way is the definition of authoritarianism.   It doesn't matter what persuasion you are. 

So if D's do it, no problem.   If R's do it, big problem.   Yes, I get it and the logic is tiresome. 



Be wary of leftist experts data. 





Edited by Offthemat
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  On 9/11/2023 at 8:27 PM, Bigbrog said:

Happens everywhere...people that are "researchers" manipulating the data to appease their bosses to create the narrative they want...all for stupid votes and us versus them division.


You don't have an original thought of your own,  do you? It's like a daily news feed from hate merchants,  hellbent on misleading you and keeping you angry.

Bob Altemeyer's peer reviewed research for decades is questionable to you?! Really!? What do you find questionable?

This should be fun, friends!


Edited by Ban Basketball

Owner of over two decades of the most dangerous words on the internet!  In fact, during the short life of this forum, me's culture has been cancelled three times on this very site!

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  On 9/11/2023 at 7:23 PM, mspart said:

So if I see authoritarianism being practiced not in a way Bro Bob tells us it is, then it must not be true? 

When my D governor says all state workers MUST get vacccinated, that is not authoritarian, it is just being concerned for the welfare of those particular workers?  And as a result of unintended consequences, mountain passes did not get cleared of snow and the state ferry system has been crippled.   All because he won't allow those folks to be hired back at the positions they were at when terminated.  

Or when the D NM governor decrees that there are now 2 places in the state where no guns can be carried but in a lock box, that is not authoritarian?

Or when the D President, through executive order tries to make me pay for student loans that the students can't pay, that is not authoritarian?   No law passed.   Executive order used in this way is the definition of authoritarianism.   It doesn't matter what persuasion you are. 

So if D's do it, no problem.   If R's do it, big problem.   Yes, I get it and the logic is tiresome. 



Research doesn't back up what you say,  nor did any of the above happen as you present it. 

Owner of over two decades of the most dangerous words on the internet!  In fact, during the short life of this forum, me's culture has been cancelled three times on this very site!

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  On 9/11/2023 at 7:23 PM, mspart said:

So if I see authoritarianism being practiced not in a way Bro Bob tells us it is, then it must not be true? 

When my D governor says all state workers MUST get vacccinated, that is not authoritarian, it is just being concerned for the welfare of those particular workers?  And as a result of unintended consequences, mountain passes did not get cleared of snow and the state ferry system has been crippled.   All because he won't allow those folks to be hired back at the positions they were at when terminated.  

Or when the D NM governor decrees that there are now 2 places in the state where no guns can be carried but in a lock box, that is not authoritarian?

Or when the D President, through executive order tries to make me pay for student loans that the students can't pay, that is not authoritarian?   No law passed.   Executive order used in this way is the definition of authoritarianism.   It doesn't matter what persuasion you are. 

So if D's do it, no problem.   If R's do it, big problem.   Yes, I get it and the logic is tiresome. 



Yeah, it’s junk science.  Even the Atlantic says so:


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Republican or not.  I believe that the federal and/or state government should...

  • temporarily remove parents’ custody of their children if parents refuse to take the COVID-19 vaccine

  • fine or imprison individuals who publicly question the efficacy of the existing COVID-19 vaccines on social media, television, radio, or in online or digital publications

  • require that citizens remain confined to their homes at all times, except for emergencies, if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine



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  On 9/11/2023 at 11:16 PM, Ban Basketball said:

You don't have an original thought of your own,  do you? It's like a daily news feed from hate merchants,  hellbent on misleading you and keeping you angry.

Bob Altemeyer's peer reviewed research for decades is questionable to you?! Really!? What do you find questionable?

This should be fun, friends!



??  Are the voices taking over again Ban??  Who in the heck is the angry one?? 

Just Ban making things up in his head again.  Please...just repeat yourself over and over again to show us how...cough...cough..."smart"...cough...you think you are.

And by the way...not every post is about you, directed at you, concerns you, etc...narcist whackadoodle

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  On 9/12/2023 at 1:15 PM, Bigbrog said:

??  Are the voices taking over again Ban??  Who in the heck is the angry one?? 

Just Ban making things up in his head again.  Please...just repeat yourself over and over again to show us how...cough...cough..."smart"...cough...you think you are.

And by the way...not every post is about you, directed at you, concerns you, etc...narcist whackadoodle


Well,  I'm not the one who tries to discredit highly regarded and recognized pros in their field,  all the while having never read any of their works,  nor having any knowledge in the subject area. 

Turn on AM radio...NOW!

Owner of over two decades of the most dangerous words on the internet!  In fact, during the short life of this forum, me's culture has been cancelled three times on this very site!

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Just because some ideological propagandist steers ‘research’ toward his preconceived conclusion shouldn’t mean others have to fall for it.  Regrettably, even law enforcement entities have been enabled by the spoilage. 

The dimocrats are anything but democratic.  They are the party that wants to pack the court with ideological activist judges, who will legislate their regressive laws from the bench, because they can’t pass them through Congress.  That’s authoritarian.  

They want to eliminate the filibuster -but only when they’re in the majority.  That’s authoritarian.  

They want to eliminate the electoral college so that the entire country can be ruled by bicoastal elites who have rigged and arranged for single party dominance in the biggest metropolis’ in the country.  That’s authoritarian.  

They want the government bureaucracies to control speech through consorting with private social media platforms to squelch any message that is deemed offensive or uncomfortable, even if true.  That’s authoritarian.

 They want to imprison, possibly for life, those who exercise their 1st amendment rights to speak out, challenge, and petition the government for their grievances.  That’s authoritarian.  

Possibly the most revealing part is they don’t even trust themselves to nominate their candidate using democracy.  This cycle they’re adding to the system that gives certain people ‘super votes’ that count more than regular votes, with strict rules imposed on candidates as to where and when they can campaign.  Penalties for breaking the rules include losing pledged delegates won in other states as well as the restricted states.  Decided by a committee of who’s who serving as judge, jury, and executioner, just as they are trying to install in every other element of the government.  That’s authoritarian, they’re authoritarian.  They’re on the left.  Case closed.  

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  On 9/11/2023 at 11:44 PM, Offthemat said:

In the mid-1990s, the influential Canadian psychologist Bob Altemeyer described left-wing authoritarianism as “the Loch Ness Monster of political psychology—an occasional shadow, but no monster. ” Subsequently, other psychologists reached the same conclusion.

Big ouchie there for BB.

In other excerpts from the Atlantic:

An ambitious new study on the subject by the Emory University researcher Thomas H. Costello and five colleagues should settle the question. It proposes a rigorous new measure of antidemocratic attitudes on the left. And, by drawing on a survey of 7,258 adults, Costello’s team firmly establishes that such attitudes exist on both sides of the American electorate. (One co-author on the paper, I should note, was Costello’s adviser, the late Scott Lilienfeld—with whom I wrote a 2013 book and numerous articles.) Intriguingly, the researchers found some common traits between left-wing and right-wing authoritarians, including a “preference for social uniformity, prejudice towards different others, willingness to wield group authority to coerce behavior, cognitive rigidity, aggression and punitiveness towards perceived enemies, outsized concern for hierarchy, and moral absolutism.”

Published last month in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, the Costello team’s paper is persuasive, to the point that you have to wonder: How could past researchers have overlooked left-wing authoritarianism for so long? “For 70 years, the lore in the social sciences has been that authoritarianism was to be found exclusively on the political right,” the Rutgers University social psychologist Lee Jussim, who wasn’t involved in the new study, told me in an email.

Yes we see where Ban is getting his "information" and obviously swallowed it hook line and sinker.   I have to wonder at a person, especially a supposedly educated person such as these academics that would have believed that authoritarianism only exists on the right.   What idiots!!    May I name a few on the Left:  Lenin, Stalin, Castro, Mao, Pol Pot, Chavez.   These were certainly not on the right and if these idiots can't see that they were Authoritarian beasts, then there is no reason anyone should listen to them at all.  It is patently obvious as I said before that authoritarianism is to be found on all sides of the spectrum.   Anyone who denies this is an idiot (I don't know how to say this any softer so sorry if I ruffle a few feathers) and not thinking right and shouldn't be in positions of influence at all.  Common sense is lacking with these people.





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  On 9/12/2023 at 11:14 PM, mspart said:

In the mid-1990s, the influential Canadian psychologist Bob Altemeyer described left-wing authoritarianism as “the Loch Ness Monster of political psychology—an occasional shadow, but no monster. ” Subsequently, other psychologists reached the same conclusion.

Big ouchie there for BB.

In other excerpts from the Atlantic:

An ambitious new study on the subject by the Emory University researcher Thomas H. Costello and five colleagues should settle the question. It proposes a rigorous new measure of antidemocratic attitudes on the left. And, by drawing on a survey of 7,258 adults, Costello’s team firmly establishes that such attitudes exist on both sides of the American electorate. (One co-author on the paper, I should note, was Costello’s adviser, the late Scott Lilienfeld—with whom I wrote a 2013 book and numerous articles.) Intriguingly, the researchers found some common traits between left-wing and right-wing authoritarians, including a “preference for social uniformity, prejudice towards different others, willingness to wield group authority to coerce behavior, cognitive rigidity, aggression and punitiveness towards perceived enemies, outsized concern for hierarchy, and moral absolutism.”

Published last month in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, the Costello team’s paper is persuasive, to the point that you have to wonder: How could past researchers have overlooked left-wing authoritarianism for so long? “For 70 years, the lore in the social sciences has been that authoritarianism was to be found exclusively on the political right,” the Rutgers University social psychologist Lee Jussim, who wasn’t involved in the new study, told me in an email.

Yes we see where Ban is getting his "information" and obviously swallowed it hook line and sinker.   I have to wonder at a person, especially a supposedly educated person such as these academics that would have believed that authoritarianism only exists on the right.   What idiots!!    May I name a few on the Left:  Lenin, Stalin, Castro, Mao, Pol Pot, Chavez.   These were certainly not on the right and if these idiots can't see that they were Authoritarian beasts, then there is no reason anyone should listen to them at all.  It is patently obvious as I said before that authoritarianism is to be found on all sides of the spectrum.   Anyone who denies this is an idiot (I don't know how to say this any softer so sorry if I ruffle a few feathers) and not thinking right and shouldn't be in positions of influence at all.  Common sense is lacking with these people.






As I said before,  he uses a scale to determine it,  but,  more importantly,  he doesn't define "left wing" and "right wing" as you and the authors of this non-peer reviewed study depict it. 

If you don't have that fundamental understanding of Altemeyer's research for decades,  you're going to miss the point,  which is what happened with you and these other non-peer reviewed researchers. 

Read his research,  then feel free to post a retort.

Owner of over two decades of the most dangerous words on the internet!  In fact, during the short life of this forum, me's culture has been cancelled three times on this very site!

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