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What does it mean we default on Jun 1


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The Interstate Highway System was not designed for civilian use, it was Eisenhower’s idea for military benefit based on Germany’s roads.  The trucks don’t get by with just paying the fuel tax at the pump, they have to file a form for every gallon they buy and pay the tax directly to government.  Bitch about the trucks all you want, but without them you wouldn’t have a car or gas to put in it, no clothes to wear, no house or anything in it, and no electricity or water.  Nothing but dirt.  If you’re driving be thankful for the trucks and courteous to the drivers, they’re working for you. 

Trump didn’t go to a prep school, he went to a military academy - he understands the military.  He understands discipline.  You want to compare him to biden?  Lok at their kids.  Trump’s are impressive, business minded, and prosperous.   Biden’s are not.  It is said that he is considering recognizing Hunter’s illegitimate daughter, though.  She’s getting old enough to start taking showers with.  

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  On 5/26/2023 at 4:16 PM, Offthemat said:


Trump didn’t go to a prep school, he went to a military academy - he understands the military.  He understands discipline.    


He  certainly understands how to dodge serving in the military. 

I can just picture you trying to keep a straight face when typing those sentences.

Now your shower comment is downright gross and a reflection on your thought process.

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Drowning in data, but thirsting for knowledge

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  On 5/26/2023 at 4:28 PM, Wrestleknownothing said:

He  certainly understands how to dodge serving in the military. 

I can just picture you trying to keep a straight face when typing those sentences.

Now your shower comment is downright gross and a reflection on your thought process.


did the showers not happen?







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Sources on Capitol Hill tell me the debt ceiling deal McCarthy negotiated with Biden includes no legitimate spending cuts or significant reforms in exchange for a $4 trillion debt ceiling increase. Just a freeze next year followed by 1% increase in ‘25 adjusted for inflation.

Text of the bill to be released tomorrow and a final vote on Wednesday.




You guys got played.

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At the risk of introducing facts...

Details of the deal:

Debt_Ceiling.pdf (emma-assets.s3.amazonaws.com)

A few highlights:

  • 1% spending increases through 2029 (with some exceptions),
  • Recouping of up to $30 billion in unspent COVID funds,
  • Cuts new staffing funding at the IRS,
  • Restarts student loan repayments that have been suspended since onset of the COVID emergency, and
  • Expedites some permitting in energy projects.

The 1% spending increase can be claimed as a victory by both sides. In nominal terms it is an increase (Dems win). In real terms it is a decrease (Reps win).

Drowning in data, but thirsting for knowledge

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Mike, are you making things up again?  From your own link:


The bill eventually was approved on a 314-117 vote.

McCarthy had told reporters after the initial afternoon vote that he had not cut a deal to ensure the Democratic votes. A spokesperson later told Axios that there was "absolutely no deal" — and that suggestions to the contrary by Democratic lawmakers were "not accurate."

Jeffries' office also denied there was a deal.



The House of Representatives passed a bill Wednesday night to suspend the nation's debt limit through January 1, 2025. The final vote tally was 314-117 with 71 Republicans and 46 Democrats voting against the bill.


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