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Is Joe Biden the greatest threat to America?


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i have never "voted"...

not once...

i realized early on it was all a game and both sides only let the plebeians have a token roll of the dice as a form of placation...

everything i have seen since i was knee high to a grasshopper only reinforces that opinion...

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  On 5/19/2023 at 1:31 PM, Plasmodium said:

The floor is yours.  I'm interested in some solutions.


Step one: In an election year, turn off all social media (whether figuratively or seriously delete), take the time for due diligence and actually research the candidates, instead of just listening to who we are being told we should vote for, or whatever line that candidate is giving you this week.  Start with the local and state elections, since they impact your life way more than who is running for president.

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  On 5/19/2023 at 12:55 PM, WrestlingRasta said:

Exactly, like I said, it's just simply much easier to bitch and blame.


I bitch and blame.  I also try my best to not vote for the turds who are part of the system in place in NYS and Washington.

I will give you a couple of more recent examples:

Tom Reed was a staunch Republican, which served him well here in rural Upstate NY, representing NYS-23 (where my wife and I live) from 2010 to 2022, when he resigned over an admitted sexual assualt during an official function.  His go-to move was to paint his opponents as "Extreme Ithaca Liberals", even if they were not from Ithaca.  (You kind of have to know this area to understand.)   https://www.ithaca.com/news/reed-campaign-revives-ithaca-liberal-tag-in-new-ad-campaign/article_4f27ce4a-1f2b-11e8-9ff2-3f1430282a8f.html

He of course pounded the usual Conservative drums.   BTW, he was Trump's relection campaign manager (just for this area?).  He owned a medical debt collection agency, which he later "turned over to his wife" to get around conflict of interest problems.  I'm sure that he bankrupted numerous of the people who still voted for him because he told them what they wanted to hear.
He now is a lobbyist in Washington.  Cool, huh?

His last two Democrat opponents were:

 Tracy Mitrano, a computer science professor at Cornell

John Plumb, BS, MS Physics; PhD Aerospace Engineering

I think that if we voted more for people with a background like John Plumb and less for the same old medical debt collector that gets dangled in front of us time and again, we may have less of a back-biting $hitstorm in DC?    I tried and it didn't work, so I'll just continue to bitch, blame, and vote for someone who isn't a part of the problem.

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  On 5/19/2023 at 3:04 PM, WrestlingRasta said:

Step one: In an election year, turn off all social media (whether figuratively or seriously delete), take the time for due diligence and actually research the candidates, instead of just listening to who we are being told we should vote for, or whatever line that candidate is giving you this week.  Start with the local and state elections, since they impact your life way more than who is running for president.


Also, the primaries where the crazies browbeat the reasonable, rational and practical.

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Here in WA, the AG is running for governor.   Here is a guy that has done nothing regarding public safety in the many years he has been the AG.   You'll never guess his political affiliation.  

Well, now that he is running for governor, he thinks it is high time that he put together a task force to help local officials with local crime and the local organized crime going on.   Where was he 5 years ago?   He Is doing this because he knows this is an issue that will get him elected.   He has done nothing regarding victim's rights or public safety for years and years and now is a believer.  Yah right.


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