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FRL say's forums are for entertainment purposes.


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  On 5/11/2023 at 10:58 PM, LJB said:

not according to your posts...

you believe what you want to believe...



normals always make me me praise Odin i am me...

you are no different...


I said research says, nothing about belief. 

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  On 5/11/2023 at 11:20 PM, ionel said:

I said research says, nothing about belief. 



you just changed my words to fit your narrative and felt perfectly justified in doing it...

i could go find any article with "research" that proves any point i wanted to make...

that does not make it a fact...

i can go find an article with "research" that says childhood obesity is caused by global warming...

does that make it a fact?

what is a "fact" is that you have a bee in your bonnet and are running in circles trying desperately to feel some way that you clearly are not...

good luck, brother... you need it...

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  On 5/11/2023 at 3:19 PM, PortaJohn said:

They're just jealous because  we've got:

a former presidential candidate 

the first Secretary of Treasury 

a guy who know's nothing

a former president LBJ who anonymously posts as LJB

the state of Idaho

a thread assassin 

and many others



You forgot the most abundant thing in the universe (according to current mainstream theory)

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  On 5/12/2023 at 4:56 PM, Lipdrag said:

"I Don't Agree With What I Posted"

Fantastic disclaimer and it neutralizes the opposition.

I am su're you also do not agree with you'r egregious use of apostrophe's.


this may be my favorite post of the year so far...

Nick Offerman Laughing GIF

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  On 5/11/2023 at 2:54 PM, Threadkilla said:


They were discussing the baords and JD said that the message boards aren't the place for information but for entertainment purposes.    FRL is a clown show, I listened this morning and they talked about Chittum for 20 minutes and Vision Quest for about 40 minutes.  There was not new information that you couldn't get from the boards and I could care less about a movie that is 40 years old. 

I have often thought that FRL get the majority of their content from these boards that claim as entertainment.   


i heard that too, and laughed. what a shit take.

they don't like message boards b/c they are threatened by them. posters have near the connections and ofter greater perspective than they do.

that's a big part of why it was so important for me to replace themat boards. 

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  On 5/11/2023 at 3:06 PM, Dogbone said:

Message boards are for entertainment.   There could be some news in them but mostly rumors.

Flo/FRL is also for entertainment and occasionally you may get some news.  CP put out a video on Chittum that didn't provide any new information besides what Cody Goodwin already reported.  Was that actually news, not if you had read one message board that day.

I don't understand the issue.  People say dumb things on message boards and people say dumb things on FRL.  


i have only recently started watching/listening to FRL again and that episode was the least informative piece of content i've ever consumed. not one shred of info.

yes my shows are sometimes not done regularly b/c i'm not the most organized person, but it's also b/c i'm not going to put out a show if i have no nuggets of information, substance, or an interesting perspective on something.

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  On 5/11/2023 at 8:56 PM, ionel said:

there are no facts only beliefs ...



Had a couple of my staff folks come back from this leadership conference, that sounded more Paump and circumstance that anything actionable. 

One case in point, in a lecture on managing different types of personalities, the lecturer actually said “feelings are true, facts are not” 

These were adults talking to adults. 
This is where we are….

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  On 5/11/2023 at 10:54 PM, ionel said:

I replace anyone with you because you could be anyone to someone else ...


So, not to jump in here but yeah to jump in….so you are doing exactly what he is saying you are doing, then using that very thing that your are doing to say you are not doing it. 

You are not using what was actually said, you are….self admittingly….replacing his words with your interpretation of his words, then using the fact that it’s your interpretation to define “that’s what you said”. 

This is literally crazy. 

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  On 5/12/2023 at 7:28 PM, WrestlingRasta said:

Not to jump in here but, yeah to jump in, you are doing exactly what he is saying you are doing then using that very thing that you are doing to say you are not doing it.

You are not using what was actually said.  You are, self-admittingly, replacing his words with your interpretation of his words then using the fact that it’s your interpretation to define “that’s what you said.”

This is actually crazy. 



Also, kind of fixed it all because I wanted to prevent any future aneurysm that might have happened...

Also, also, just playing around.  It's Friday.  Let us lighten up a bit. 😆

"I know actually nothing.  It isn't even conjecture at this point." - me



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  On 5/12/2023 at 7:28 PM, WrestlingRasta said:

So, not to jump in here but yeah to jump in….so you are doing exactly what he is saying you are doing, then using that very thing that your are doing to say you are not doing it. 

You are not using what was actually said, you are….self admittingly….replacing his words with your interpretation of his words, then using the fact that it’s your interpretation to define “that’s what you said”. 

This is literally crazy. 


it was endlessly amusing to me...


average exists for a reason...

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  On 5/12/2023 at 7:39 PM, WrestlingRasta said:

What is this, Noah’s Ark?

They come in f****ng twos??


What?  Can you not spell ***duck duck goose** properly?  'F multiplied by multiplied by multiplied by multiplied by ng' is tedious as all shit to read.

C'mon, man...

"I know actually nothing.  It isn't even conjecture at this point." - me



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  On 5/12/2023 at 7:52 PM, nhs67 said:

What?  Can you not spell ***duck duck goose** properly?  'F multiplied by multiplied by multiplied by multiplied by ng' is tedious as all shit to read.

C'mon, man...


simple solution...


my 5th grade english teacher was chuck norriss' aunt by marriage...

that is a true statement...

i spell how i want...

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