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Worst stallers of the last decade

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  On 4/18/2023 at 6:03 AM, Husker_Du said:

anyone remember on the old boards when everyone called Jake Varner, "Jake Varnish"


Nope. I do remember how I thought he should have won a 3rd title, but...he didn't.

How about Dustin Schlatter? He seemed like an offensive juggernaut...majoring Espo, attacking. And then he seemed to shut it down the next 3 years. 

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  On 4/19/2023 at 12:15 AM, AOCStallsLikeAMug said:

He’s a stall merchant and a Mickey Mouse champ. That’s my only issue 


Obviously in my line of work I know every Stall Merchant and I can assure you Austin O'Connor isn't involved with any distributor or manufacturer. 

Edited by PortaJohn
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I Don't Agree With What I Posted

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  On 4/19/2023 at 12:35 AM, PortaJohn said:

Obviously in my line of work I know every Stall Merchant and I can assure you Austin O'Connor isn't involved with any distributor or manufacturer. 


Sir I respect your vocation and dedication to your craft, however, I'm sure if you look a little closer, you'll see AOC there, usually inside the hole with the fecal matter. 

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  • 6 months later...
  On 11/17/2023 at 7:00 PM, nhs67 said:

This has to piss OP off to no end...



Frightened Stallini assistant coach receives awards from North Carolina prior to the start of a 4:00 pm Dual meet (picture below). This picture taken at 3:59 pm. Looks like we know the reason why this meet started a couple of minute late of schedule...Yep. Stalling as usual.

Unfortunately, his stalling prowess has failed to rub off on the Illinois team, as the U of I freshman squad managed to stay in control of this dual against UNC.  North Carolina obviously still thinks of itself as a basketball school as their athletes misinterpreted the new 3 pt TD rule to mean that they would have to set up all of their shots with their feet planted outside the arc (that's actually just a circle, people!). When the refs punished that behavior with stalling citations, the tar heels resorted many instances of blood time to needlessly drag out the evening's inevitable conclusion.

AOC was introduced at his little ring ceremony as a 5-time All-American. Most mortals can only stall their way to four of these, but apparently some people can stall so well as to get an entire NCAA tournament cancelled!

5 Time AA.jpg

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  On 4/18/2023 at 2:07 AM, HarryConnickJr said:

I really enjoyed the Jordan Stalliver era, personally


But wait!!  He is our best option to qualify/medal at 65 KG!!

Remember when he legitimately just came out and continuously shoved Metcalf because he knew he couldn't wrestle an actual match against him??

That shit gets called today.

"I know actually nothing.  It isn't even conjecture at this point." - me



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