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  On 3/28/2023 at 2:33 PM, Bigbrog said:

Yeah because you post some of the exact same type of sources...ALL THE TIME!!  

And you don't address the actual issue and make it into a source issue...can't make this stuff up.


Show me where I've posted sources (ALL THE TIME!! ) that have historically bad ratings about telling the truth.

Are you saying I'm obligated to post here the way you want me to?


Edited by Mike Parrish
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  On 3/28/2023 at 2:15 PM, Bigbrog said:

Wow...so disingenuous from some of you and quite sad really.  You are focusing on freaking sources and tip toeing around addressing what was actually said...and even trying to downplay it by saying "Killing is the thing that is illegal".  Wow...some of you continue to show your disgusting bipartisan thought process. 


There should have been no other response except this guy is disgusting and shouldn't be let anywhere near our kids in college.


LJB was spot on...do some of you freaking lick windows??


anything other than the bold and you should be ashamed of yourself...


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  On 3/28/2023 at 5:35 PM, Mike Parrish said:

All I was commenting on was the credibility of the initial source.

Trying to read more into what I wrote is missing the point I was making.


1.  So now that there are other sources saying the same thing, what does that say about the initial source?

You still did not answer my question.   You said, and I quote: "If the posted source lies about what the subject of article said, that's kind of a problem, wouldn't you say?  It's hard to critique someone's words when the right wing press is flatly lying about what they said." 

2.   What did the guy actually say that has been misreported?

There are two questions here.   A response to each would be much appreciated.   


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  On 3/28/2023 at 2:09 PM, Mike Parrish said:

You continually post stuff from sources that are found to routinely lie.

If you have better sources saying the same thing, why you the source with historically poor veracity.


No you continually reject quality news sources because they don't fit your narrative.  When I post facts you attack the sources.  You never address the issue. Just like you did here. Nothing different. 

Edited by El Luchador
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Mike, Primary to your assertion that the original source was suspect is that you think they misrepresented what the idiot professor said.   I am now asking a third time, what did he say that the original source got wrong?   Please note all the other sources I supplied. 


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  On 3/28/2023 at 11:55 PM, El Luchador said:

I couldn't figure it out at first,  do suppose Mike couldn't figure out what I was saying? 


mike is above average intelligence, but, with the politics of a 13 year old white girl from the south side...

he got it...

he was just being a prick...

and i laughed and felt a little bad about it...


anything is worth it for a joke...

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  On 3/29/2023 at 12:10 AM, LJB said:

mike is above average intelligence, but, with the politics of a 13 year old white girl from the south side...

he got it...

he was just being a prick...

and i laughed and felt a little bad about it...


anything is worth it for a joke...



That was gentle ribbing about a typo.

You guys sure are snowflakes.


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  On 3/28/2023 at 11:29 AM, El Luchador said:

Would you like a few more sources?


There are never any shortages of internet sources that will back whatever you want to believe. Seeking them out is a waste of time, and potentially harmful.

  On 3/28/2023 at 11:36 AM, El Luchador said:

And this is why I reject arguments from anyone willing to go outside their safe space.


Outside "safe space" on the internet? That is ill-advised. Much better advice would be - "If it isn't a trusted web site, don't go there."

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  On 3/28/2023 at 5:31 PM, mspart said:

Art, I realize this wasn't directed at me - but I do have a couple things to add.

I can't imagine taking the time to scour through so many sites in order to identify the inconsistencies between the legitimate ones and the illegitimate ones. And then trying to make sense out of the whole mess. Liars have learned how to hide - weeding them out isn't a quick or simple task. And even if we attempt to do this today, there'll be more tomorrow, they multiply. Bad guys monitor the stuff that is being read, and if it is popular - they continue to push it through other BS sites. It's what they do, they play us, and they get paid well to do it.

I strictly recommend that everyone consider the web site you intend to view before visiting it. And if you find yourself at a site you aren't familiar with, then close out.

Trying to judge what illegitimate sites have to offer is dangerous (potential infection of virus, malware, ransomware, etc.) and a tremendous waste of time

Simply best to avoid them.

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  On 3/29/2023 at 3:32 AM, GreatWhiteNorth said:

There are never any shortages of internet sources that will back whatever you want to believe. Seeking them out is a waste of time, and potentially harmful.

Outside "safe space" on the internet? That is ill-advised. Much better advice would be - "If it isn't a trusted web site, don't go there."


Are you still trying to say it is fake? 

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  On 3/28/2023 at 10:01 PM, El Luchador said:

Smugness does mean your right. There's a  reason you won't engage on the details.  


This is so his MO isn't it...once he gets pushback on one of his illogical posts...he deflects, deflects and deflects.  He won't engage in any meaningful conversation at that point.  

I agree with what LJB said, he seems like a halfway intelligent guy except he has teenage level political viewpoints (no logic, all emotion)...AND, he loves stirring the turd and calling people names...I know he does it on purpose and probably sits back and giggles to himself while snapping his gum and twirling his hair, and sometimes I get caught up in it, but I eventually realize that is his schtick when he knows he can't argue his point any longer so I disengage...oh and his other schtick of turning every topic to be about Trump and then posting stupid links about Trump and Elon ad nauseum.

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