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Where will AJ and Anthony Ferrari end up?

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  On 3/21/2023 at 4:45 PM, PortaJohn said:

Wonder if Kueter actually wrestles.  Kid is a legit NFL prospect.  Would be fun to see that level of athleticism on the mat for a big guy


Very difficult to balance. We know how difficult and demanding the schedule is for a D1 wrestler, then add on the football schedule and demands it is a tough balance and the athlete usually ends up playing football. Ben Keuter is no average wrestler/football player so it will be interesting to see how it plays out.

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  On 3/21/2023 at 4:45 PM, PortaJohn said:

Wonder if Kueter actually wrestles.  Kid is a legit NFL prospect.  Would be fun to see that level of athleticism on the mat for a big guy


If he is a legit NFL prospect meaning, he will be drafted, there is absolutely zero financial rationale for him to wrestle.

Getting injured wrestling (knee, concussion, etc) would literally cost of millions of dollars (maybe over $10 million) if he has the talent to be a NFL draft pick.

By comparison, someone like Spencer Lee, once of the greatest wrestlers of all time, has no shot at earning 1/50 of what a legit NFL prospect will earn over a football career, through wrestling alone.

Edited by Jimmy Cinnabon
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  On 3/21/2023 at 4:19 PM, VakAttack said:

nobody has a high ground w/ regards to the portal for the upper echelon programs, they're all trying to use it.  This does not change my opinions on the Ferraris.

I would recruit the hell out of Angelo, but only him.  If he won't come without his brothers, that sucks, but move on.  It's unfair, though, to paint Angelo with the stains of his brothers, he's his own person, and him loving his brothers doesn't mean he would act the same way as they're accused of doing.


I can see your position.

I just wouldn't make the same calculation.

When you have shitty parents, it's almost never worth the grief.

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I'm a firm believer in innocent until proven guilty, but with AJ...come one...the guy is a ticking time bomb if he isn't locked up.  Head scratching move if Iowa brings him and the middle brother in.  I agree with what someone said in that the younger one should stand on his own and be judged completely separately, and as of this moment he seems like a good recruit.

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  On 3/21/2023 at 5:21 PM, Bigbrog said:

I'm a firm believer in innocent until proven guilty, but with AJ...come one...the guy is a ticking time bomb if he isn't locked up.  Head scratching move if Iowa brings him and the middle brother in.  I agree with what someone said in that the younger one should stand on his own and be judged completely separately, and as of this moment he seems like a good recruit.


Worth pointing out that some of the "chances" are just proven fact. Others yes there is evidence we have to wait on and maybe a trial thus innocent till proven otherwise on those.  Plus pretty certain was already dropped from the univ before this last "accusation." 

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  On 3/21/2023 at 3:52 PM, goheels1812 said:

You’re making a bold assumption that I like/support Gable and agreed with what happened there (as far as him coming back)… can you point to where I ever said that? You said the situations were the same. They are not the same. AJ is being charged, Gable wasn’t.

All forms of sexual assault are unacceptable in my opinion. The hill you have chosen to die on is “at least it wasn’t as bad as Gable!” That’s fine if you feel that way, but don’t expect everyone to jump right on board with your line of thinking. 


Too bad you're a Tarhole, you seem like a reasonable person. 

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  On 3/21/2023 at 7:32 AM, billyhoyle said:

Even if he is acquitted due to the reasonable doubt standard, any D1 coach that allows him onto a college campus is being foolish.  And I am making that statement merely off of the judge finding enough evidence to send this case to trial


Meant to address this specific issue: that's not how it works.  Typically, the judge doesn't "decide if there's enough evidence to send a case to trial."  They're deciding if there's a prima facia case to allow it to proceed.  That just means in the light most favorable to the State, would a reasonable jury be able (not have to) convict him.  In a case like this where it's just witness testimony and no actual physical evidence (that we know of) the determination is just "if we assume everything the witness/accuser says is true, could a jury find the defendant guilty."  It's not a commentary on the quality of the evidence by the judge.

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  On 3/21/2023 at 1:45 PM, ionel said:

Plus if you've watched on mat behavior of the youngest its not much different than the other two.  There was an apple tree ... 


I don't care if he flexes on the mat. There is a MASSIVE chasm between flexing on the mat and felonious sexual assault.

I haven't heard anything bad about Angelo and if his brother wasn't AJ Ferrari, nobody would give it a second thought.

I don't like the guilt by association or the Sins of the Brother, however you'd like to put it. Angelo seems solid as far as I know. 

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  On 3/21/2023 at 4:22 PM, PortaJohn said:

But what about...


Yeah, but it's kinda valid since the topic was literally transfers.

I'd say Kerk is different since he never actually wrestled anywhere else, but citing him isn't a whataboutism.


Also, arguing PSU wouldn't be on top without the portal is nonsense. I said before the year-and took a ton of shit for it-that I thougth PSU was better off sticking with Beard...and I still believe that. He was a 5th seed, he lost a 7-6 match to Braunagel and then a 4-2 match to Truax, the #2 seed on the backhalf. 

But they won by more than what Kerk and Dean provided.

MAYBE last year Michigan beats them without the two...but I doubt it.

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  On 3/21/2023 at 2:55 PM, Mike Parrish said:

But you get the family as something of a package.

Still a hard pass if you're running the math on this.


Yeah, but the argument was specifically they'd take Angelo alone, and if it meant the other 2, they wouldn't.

Then Ionel came back and suggested that he's similar to his brothers based on his actions on the Mat...which is just ridiculous in my opinion. 

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  On 3/21/2023 at 6:21 PM, scourge165 said:

Yeah, but it's kinda valid since the topic was literally transfers.

I'd say Kerk is different since he never actually wrestled anywhere else, but citing him isn't a whataboutism.


Also, arguing PSU wouldn't be on top without the portal is nonsense. I said before the year-and took a ton of shit for it-that I thougth PSU was better off sticking with Beard...and I still believe that. He was a 5th seed, he lost a 7-6 match to Braunagel and then a 4-2 match to Truax, the #2 seed on the backhalf. 

But they won by more than what Kerk and Dean provided.

MAYBE last year Michigan beats them without the two...but I doubt it.


THanks.  My main point was "don't pretend that Dea is their only transfer."

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  On 3/21/2023 at 6:51 PM, goheels1812 said:

Ah nice! I know we are supposed to be bitter rivals, but it’s nice to have other ACC fans on the board. Were you on the past board? I don’t remember your username over there. I know there’s a VT fan on here too that posts occasionally. 


Yes, I was on past board.  I don't really hate UNC, Tech on the other hand! (and my wife went to Tech)

I headed down for ACC tourney this year and had a great time.  I was actually sitting with UNC team members and parents for a bit.  Had fun rooting for AOC vs. Andonian in the final.

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  On 3/21/2023 at 6:54 PM, Interviewed_at_Weehawken said:

Yes, I was on past board.  I don't really hate UNC, Tech on the other hand! (and my wife went to Tech)

I headed down for ACC tourney this year and had a great time.  I was actually sitting with UNC team members and parents for a bit.  Had fun rooting for AOC vs. Andonian in the final.


That’s awesome! This year was the second year in a row I missed the ACC tournament after about 12 years straight of making it after I wrapped up college (young kids have me busy). I’m definitely planning on getting back to going next year. I used to post UNC and ACC previews back on the old board from roughly 2015-2020 before life got busy, but I’m planning to start back this coming October. It doesn’t get a ton of engagement lol, but I try to give the conference a little bit of recognition and interaction on the board sporadically. I got over to this board a little late in the season so I missed a solid chunk of time to talk about ACC guys 😂

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The problem with the Ferrari's starts with the Dad who has enabled this type of behavior from his kids. Consider me skeptical the Ferrari's land at Iowa, and if they do, don't expect it to be for too long given their history of moving around once trouble hits.

Also, this time last year, AJ was saying he would be picking a school soon, blah blah blah. Gotta take what he says with a grain of salt, especially with the black cloud of his legal situation still looming.


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