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Something the NCAA championships don't need tonight


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  On 3/20/2023 at 7:04 PM, mspart said:

As for any controversy,


If this post didn't exist, would any of the keyboard warriors even have known he was there?  ESPN mentioned it once, and never even showed him in the crowd. If you missed the 2-second blurb on it, chances are good you wouldn't even have known. 

Much to do about nothing.........

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  On 3/20/2023 at 2:14 PM, Fletcher said:

 Great - as soon as I see that bracket, I'll be a believer.

Otherwise, we're still at square one - everyone insisting something's true without anyone provide any documented evidence.


I saw a bracket with Corn Pop vs Joe Biden. It didn't go well for Joe. Joe shot in on a single and Corn Pop hit Joe with a spladle .

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  On 3/20/2023 at 3:40 PM, buckshot said:

Rabid republican- Believes it's okay to attack police officers and try to overthrow a free and fair election in order to install a sit-time bankrupt, stupid,lying racist who brags about sexually assaulting women as king of America

Rabid Democrat- Thinks the above is a bad idea.




Oh Buckshot . Its going to be ok. If he or( DeSantos) happens to win in 2024 please don't destroy your glasses. Thanks.

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  On 3/20/2023 at 12:45 PM, BigRedFan said:

Really? He is infamous for both his lying about golf and his cheating while playing golf.  The most recent laugh-fest was his claiming he won his club Senior championship.  When it was pointed out that he wasn't even there on the first day of the tournament, he said that he played a round prior to that and used that round for his tournament score.


Thanks - hadn't seen that.  I was going on memory from 2016.  He then was saying that he was the best baseball player in New York and many other bizarro things like that and I thought it was weird that he did so much of that while not making a big deal about something that, as I understand it, he used to be very good at.  

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  On 3/20/2023 at 3:40 PM, buckshot said:

Rabid republican- Believes it's okay to attack police officers and try to overthrow a free and fair election in order to install a sit-time bankrupt, stupid,lying racist who brags about sexually assaulting women as king of America

Rabid Democrat- Thinks the above is a bad idea.





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  On 3/20/2023 at 7:04 PM, mspart said:

Yeah, I noticed that too. 

As for any controversy, Trump is a private citizen and can go where he wants.   He pays the entry fee, he gets in.  It really is pretty simple.   Making this about politics is ridiculous.   Did anything happen that wouldn't have happened if Trump was not there?  In a bad way I mean, other than folks wanting to get an autograph or a pic. 



So you're saying there is no difference between wrestlers wanting to have their picture taken with Trump or NCAA officials directing wrestlers to have their picture taken?  Surprisingly, Brooks said no.

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  On 3/20/2023 at 8:40 PM, jammen said:

So you're saying there is no difference between wrestlers wanting to have their picture taken with Trump or NCAA officials directing wrestlers to have their picture taken?  Surprisingly, Brooks said no.


Jammen, If they said that, I'm wondering why that would be offensive to you.   If any other ex-President showed up and NCAA said the same thing, would you have a problem with that?

Do you have a problem with Trump attending, or would it be offensive to you for any ex- President to attend?  I'm really not sure where you are trying to go with this.

I said Trump can go where he wants as a private citizen.   He should not be excluded, as long as he pays the entry fee, he is free to attend.   People are free to attend too.   If it had been Obama, would the NCAA be wrong to point that out and suggest folks get a pic with him?   Other than invading his privacy (which may have been the intent to which you would applaud I'm sure), what harm is there in doing that? 


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  On 3/20/2023 at 4:04 PM, Jason Bryant said:

I don’t know whether to post the bracket or the clip from Family Guy about Kevin Bacon not being in Footloose.

I was also traveling yesterday, so my humblest apologies in not instantly providing proof. I hate politics, and there’s a lot of people in our sport I wish wouldn’t identify themselves as part of our community.


But here’s the pic my friend took when he was at the NYAC not that long ago.


What club is NYMA?

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  On 3/20/2023 at 8:46 PM, mspart said:

Jammen, If they said that, I'm wondering why that would be offensive to you.   If any other ex-President showed up and NCAA said the same thing, would you have a problem with that?

Do you have a problem with Trump attending, or would it be offensive to you for any ex- President to attend?  I'm really not sure where you are trying to go with this.

I said Trump can go where he wants as a private citizen.   He should not be excluded, as long as he pays the entry fee, he is free to attend.   People are free to attend too.   If it had been Obama, would the NCAA be wrong to point that out and suggest folks get a pic with him?   Other than invading his privacy (which may have been the intent to which you would applaud I'm sure), what harm is there in doing that? 



I don't care who the person is.  This night is about wrestling.  Anyone trying to take any limelight or insert themselves, takes away from the focus on wrestling (for me).  

It's cool that there is interest in the sport, but just a distraction from my perspective.  Doesn't matter if it was Trump or Obama or anyone else 

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  On 3/20/2023 at 9:48 PM, flyingcement said:

I don't care who the person is.  This night is about wrestling.  Anyone trying to take any limelight or insert themselves, takes away from the focus on wrestling (for me).  

It's cool that there is interest in the sport, but just a distraction from my perspective.  Doesn't matter if it was Trump or Obama or anyone else 


I can be on board with this train of thought.   But that is not where Jammen was coming from I suspect.   But I could be wrong. 


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