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R's Called for Defunding the Police?


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Anyone see the president say that it was republican's who were calling for defunding the police and that he is committed to protecting our communities??  Can't make this crap up!  I think someone commented on it and said it is like a bad stand-up routine...I sort of agree. 

Que, you know who turning this into a Trump thread... 


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  On 3/10/2023 at 2:43 PM, Bigbrog said:

Anyone see the president say that it was republican's who were calling for defunding the police and that he is committed to protecting our communities??  Can't make this crap up!  I think someone commented on it and said it is like a bad stand-up routine...I sort of agree. 

Que, you know who turning this into a Trump thread... 



This is based on the Rs being against 80k additional IRS agents and increased funding for the FBI after they have been shown to be political.   It is an eggregious statement to make because it is 100% from the truth.   It is the Ds who want to defund the police.  They have done it all across the country.  The evidence is there and not one R has participated in any of that.   Any calls in Congress to defund the police come from Ds, not Rs.   That is demonstrable.   Just stating the facts ma'am. 


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  On 3/10/2023 at 11:04 PM, mspart said:

This is based on the Rs being against 80k additional IRS agents and increased funding for the FBI after they have been shown to be political.   It is an eggregious statement to make because it is 100% from the truth.   It is the Ds who want to defund the police.  They have done it all across the country.  The evidence is there and not one R has participated in any of that.   Any calls in Congress to defund the police come from Ds, not Rs.   That is demonstrable.   Just stating the facts ma'am. 



Yeah...the more I looked into it I saw that, I assume, he was meaning the IRS and FBI but said the "R's called for defunding the police", which obviously came from the D's.  

It would be interesting to see "WHY" the D's want additional IRS agents and to increase funding to the FBI...I just have looked into that...my guess is the R's are against it because of lack of reasoning and a good "WHY" as to why the D's want it...now I know what I can do this morning.

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  On 3/11/2023 at 3:26 PM, Bigbrog said:

Yeah...the more I looked into it I saw that, I assume, he was meaning the IRS and FBI but said the "R's called for defunding the police", which obviously came from the D's.  

It would be interesting to see "WHY" the D's want additional IRS agents and to increase funding to the FBI...I just have looked into that...my guess is the R's are against it because of lack of reasoning and a good "WHY" as to why the D's want it...now I know what I can do this morning.


Well...the IRS one is just pure fiction. They're not adding 80,000 new IRS "agents." They've got about 80,000 employees now and 10,000 of them are agents.

They're trying to hire 80,000 employees because they're understaffed and are expected to lose 50K+ in employees to retirement. Just...right off the top, a large chunk of that money is going to updating their infrastructure and adding actual representatives you can speak to on the phone.

4 years ago I had a plan with a 5600 dollar deductible. Never went out of network, had a surgery in January...wrote a check for the exact amount for my deductible. Kept the receipts, could not actually speak with my insurance company in person without a 5-6 hour wait. Yet they were still able to just take another 4K out of my tax returns because the IRS had antiquated systems and is extremely understaffed. Took over 3 years to get my money back because I couldn't actually get a person on the phone at the IRS.

This puts them around the number of actual employees they had in the early 90s. But it wasn't quite as fun of a scare tactic as "80,000 new agents all at once coming to take your money away."

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  On 3/11/2023 at 3:26 PM, Bigbrog said:

Yeah...the more I looked into it I saw that, I assume, he was meaning the IRS and FBI but said the "R's called for defunding the police", which obviously came from the D's.  

It would be interesting to see "WHY" the D's want additional IRS agents and to increase funding to the FBI...I just have looked into that...my guess is the R's are against it because of lack of reasoning and a good "WHY" as to why the D's want it...now I know what I can do this morning.


Oh, and with regard to the Police, I would guess it comes from the Republicans voting against Biden's Budget to increase funding to Police departments and hire over 100,000 new Police.

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  On 3/11/2023 at 5:43 PM, scourge165 said:

Oh, and with regard to the Police, I would guess it comes from the Republicans voting against Biden's Budget to increase funding to Police departments and hire over 100,000 new Police.


I would assume there is more to the story as there always is...my guess is the bill/budget contained a lot more than just funding for new police, which is what the R's baulked at...again, just a guess as that is usually the case when one side does or doesn't vote for a bill/budget.  But people like to glob onto catching headlines and say the R's don't want to fund the police when in fact that isn't the case...or my favorite, the "Don't Say Gay" Bill in FL...not in one spot does the bill say anything remotely close to that.

As for the IRS...I could have guessed they were understaffed...turned in my taxes over a month ago, got my state return in 5 days, and to this day have yet to receive my federal return.

Anyway, just silly how the politicians say and do things to deceive the general public, and a lot of people fall for it.

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