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Mouse Heaven or Hell (John Calhoun)


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  On 2/21/2023 at 8:58 PM, mspart said:

They lost so many people?   You make it sound like an accident.  Stalin starved them out.   He killed them, they were not lost.  Stalin only compares to Mao for how many were sacrificed on the alter of communism.  




The losses were certainly no accident. I am only talking about WW2.

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  On 2/21/2023 at 9:17 PM, LJB said:

Genghis Khan thinks stalin's numbers are adorable...


Perhaps.  I just looked on google and Khan dispatched 40 million.   It says Stalin decimated 20 million.   So maybe Khan is a better slaughterer.   But just during the great leap forward in Mao's china, 45 million were killed in 4 years.  

Maybe they were only trying to check the population increase like Thanos.   But I think they were just brutal and cruel murderers. 


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khan is directly responsible for between 30-80 million...

he single handedly changed the carbon footprint of this rock...

directly related to 3% of the people living on the planet right this second...


kinda makes people whining about means words seem a little silly, yes?

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  On 2/21/2023 at 11:49 PM, mspart said:

Seems counter productive if you want to rule the world.   Killing that many people leaves no one to rule.   That's gotta be no fun really.



khan would give them all choice pre-battle...

it was totally up to them what happened next...

it really did not matter to him because the end result was never in doubt...

he was getting what he wanted and everyone else were free to jump on board if they wanted...

or not...

he also regularly gave his enemies' leaders a chance to join him if they performed admirably in battle...

incredibly tolerant of others customs/religions/whatever...

he was a fascinating warrior...

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Nice Ad hominem.   Its almost like you have no knowledge or understanding of what you are talking about.   You are essentially saying he was compassionate by not killing everyone in sight if they did what he wanted.   And that is good.   He was a good guy that allowed people to live their life and exercise their religion as long as they submitted to him.   He was very tolerant because of this.   Don't comply, you're dead.   Much to admire there. 

Are you saying there is much to admire that the annihilation of 40 million people is outweighed by his compassion?


Edited by mspart
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  On 2/22/2023 at 7:25 PM, mspart said:

Nice Ad hominem.   Its almost like you have no knowledge or understanding of what you are talking about.   You are essentially saying he was compassionate by not killing everyone in sight if they did what he wanted.   And that is good.   He was a good guy that allowed people to live their life and exercise their religion as long as they submitted to him.   He was very tolerant because of this.   Don't comply, you're dead.   Much to admire there. 

Are you saying there is much to admire that the annihilation of 40 million people is outweighed by his compassion?



i am saying it is adorable when someone uses today's standards to judge someone from 1000 years ago...


i am also saying you are very lucky to be living in the time you are now... 

my guess is it would have been a pretty rough life for someone like you in virtually every other time in history other than the last 100 years...

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  On 2/22/2023 at 7:44 PM, LJB said:

i am saying it is adorable when someone uses today's standards to judge someone from 1000 years ago...


i am also saying you are very lucky to be living in the time you are now... 

my guess is it would have been a pretty rough life for someone like you in virtually every other time in history other than the last 100 years...


Classic projection.   Look in the mirror LJB and say to yourself, "this applies to me as well".  You are very lucky to be living now.   That goes without saying.

You would have a pretty rough life in any other time in history other than the last 100 years.   Again goes without saying.

What standards of today am I using to condemn Genghis Khan for his brutality of 1000 years ago?   Was he not brutal?   Was he not the killer of millions upon millions of people?   Did those people have it coming?  Is he a saint for having killed so many people?   By what standard can you use to excuse his killing and brutality?  He had a choice just like all of us do, kill people pretty much indiscriminately or don't.  Does he have no blame for choosing the former?   Surely based on your post, you can easily answer these questions. 


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  On 2/22/2023 at 8:15 PM, mspart said:

Classic projection.   Look in the mirror LJB and say to yourself, "this applies to me as well".  You are very lucky to be living now.   That goes without saying.

You would have a pretty rough life in any other time in history other than the last 100 years.   Again goes without saying.

What standards of today am I using to condemn Genghis Khan for his brutality of 1000 years ago?   Was he not brutal?   Was he not the killer of millions upon millions of people?   Did those people have it coming?  Is he a saint for having killed so many people?   By what standard can you use to excuse his killing and brutality?  He had a choice just like all of us do, kill people pretty much indiscriminately or don't.  Does he have no blame for choosing the former?   Surely based on your post, you can easily answer these questions. 



i am just saying your sensitive nature would not have served you very well in every period of history save this one...

feel free to disagree...

i am totally ok with that...

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amusing side bar...

early mongols living on the steppe would make clothing out of mice skins... 

that must have been a lot of poor mice...


this was before the 1st degree murderer took over...

once he started his reign they became a very profitable people and the 1st degree murder of cute furry rodents became 1st degree murder of much bigger and way less cute rodents...

something that many in today's society would openly applaud...


is ghengis a hero?????




(trust the science)


(am i conflating???)

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