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  • Photo: Sam Janicki

    Photo: Sam Janicki

    Thursday's DI Dual Results (11/16/2023)

    Thursday’s Dual Results

    NC State 34 Army West Point 6

    125 - Jakob Camacho (NC State) maj Ethan Berginc (Army West Point)  9-1

    133 - Jarrett Trombley (NC State) dec Braden Basile (Army West Point)  7-6

    141 - Ryan Jack (NC State) tech Logan Brown (Army West Point)  19-4

    149 - Jackson Arrington (NC State) tech Matthew Williams (Army West Point)  17-2

    157 - Ed Scott (NC State) dec Nate Lukez (Army West Point)  14-8

    165 - Dalton Harkins (Army West Point) dec AJ Kovacs (NC State)  4-1SV

    174 - Gunner Filipowicz (Army West Point) dec Alex Faison (NC State)  4-2

    184 - Dylan Fishback (NC State) dec Ben Pasiuk (Army West Point)  15-7

    197 - Trent Hidlay (NC State) fall Daniel Lawrence (Army West Point)  4:31

    285 - Owen Trephan (NC State) maj Lucas Stoddard (Army West Point)  17-4

    West Virginia 32 Clarion 7

    125 - Jett Strickenberger (West Virginia) dec Joey Fischer (Clarion)  8-4

    133 - Scott Johnson (Clarion) dec Garhett Dickenson (West Virginia)  8-2

    141 - Jordan Titus (West Virginia) maj David McClelland (Clarion)  11-2

    149 - Ty Watters (West Virginia) fall Kyle Schickel (Clarion)  6:22

    157 - Alejandro Herrera-Rondon (Clarion) maj Caleb Dowling (West Virginia)  10-0

    165 - Peyton Hall (West Virginia) tech Trevor Elfvin (Clarion)  19-4

    174 - Brody Conley (West Virginia) dec John Worthing (Clarion)  4-1SV

    184 - Dennis Robin (West Virginia) maj Cameron Pine (Clarion)  13-5

    197 - Austin Cooley (West Virginia) dec Ethan Wiant (Clarion)  6-2

    285 - Michael Wolfgram (West Virginia) maj John Meyers (Clarion)  14-2


    Minnesota 37 Bucknell 3

    125 - Patrick McKee (Minnesota) fall Owen Bell (Bucknell)  1:52

    133 - Tyler Wells (Minnesota) dec Kurt Phipps (Bucknell)  11-5

    141 - Vance Vombaur (Minnesota) maj Braden Bower (Bucknell)  17-3

    149 - Drew Roberts (Minnesota) dec Dylan Chappell (Bucknell)  2-1

    157 - Michael Blockhus (Minnesota) dec Nick Delp (Bucknell)  7-1

    165 - Noah Mulvaney (Bucknell) dec Blaine Brenner (Minnesota)  11-5

    174 - Sam Skillings (Minnesota) maj Myles Takats (Bucknell)  10-2

    184 - Isaiah Salazar (Minnesota) tech Mikey Bartush (Bucknell)  18-3

    197 - Garrett Joles (Minnesota) dec Logan Deacetis (Bucknell) 8-3

    285 - Bennett Tabor (Minnesota) fall Dorian Crosby (Bucknell)  7:21

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