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    Takedown Radio to launch 'Wrestling Round Table'

    DES MOINES -- Takedown Wrestling Radio (TDR) announced a new interactive feature and program designed to connect all members of the wrestling community. TDR's Wrestling Round Table is a weekly Internet radio program with a concurrent chat room feature. The premier two hour TDR Wrestling Round Table event begins Wednesday, October 15 at 7 p.m. CST. Subsequent programs will alternate between Wednesdays and Thursdays based on wrestling schedules that week and announced through normal channels.

    Anyone with a computer can join in discussions with top journalists from the wrestling world at takedownradio.com. Concurrent audio streaming and chat room functions allow instantaneous communication between all participants. Scott Casber, co-founder and host of TDR, serves as moderator and is joined each week by a top flight of wrestling reporters, experts, and statisticians.

    "We've divided the country into five regions and have selected leading authorities representing each of those regions to participate in the audio portion of the program," Casber described. "Our listeners can now become participants themselves by providing questions, perspectives, opinions, and advise in the chat room feature at Takedownradio.com. Listeners logged into the program will be able to view on their computer screen all comments being made by everyone participating," Casber concluded.

    Inaugural guest hosts will represent specific geographic regions and include:

    Jeff Breese: InterMat Chief (Pennsylvania, Region 1)
    Pat Costilow: Co-founder of Ohiowrestling.net (Mideast, Region 2)
    Andrew Hipps: Founder RevWrestling.com (Southeast, Region 3)
    Matt Krumrie: TheWrestlingMall.com (West, Region 4)
    Britt Milinsky: Well known pundit and statistician (Midwest and Northwest, Region 5)
    Earl Smith: Founder of D1collegewrestling.net (Mid Atlantic, Region 6)

    Confirmed future expert contributors include Dan Cosimi from ohiowrestling.net, long time Oklahoma State University voice J. Carl Guyman, Wisconsin wrestling pundit Koy Kosek, W.I.N. Magazines Bryan Van Kley and Mike Finn, TDR's Steve Foster among others.

    "For the past 11 years, the Saturday morning TDR program has been primarily interview driven. You could go down a list and basically check off every luminary in the wrestling world that's been on the show," stated Casber. "TDR's Wrestling Round Table allows us to maintain the Saturday format, benefit from the relationships we built there, and expand our coverage to include the entire wrestling community. Now, youth wrestlers in small communities who want to connect with their heroes can realize their dream. It's a brave new world, and this is our way to embrace it," completed Casber on a visionary note.

    This is your opportunity to have your voice heard! Each week, Every week of the year! You make the call, ask the questions and participate in your show. Takedown Wrestling Radio's NEW TDR Wrestling Round Table. Wednesday October 15, 7 p.m. CST at Takedownradio.com. Jump in to the chat room and participate.

    TDR is currently developing other new technology products along with synergistic partners. Details on those developments will be provided in the near future. Our thanks to our partners who make this program possible.

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