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    Takedown Radio launches promotion with Iowa Pork Producers

    Des Moines, IA -- September 13, 2007- Takedown Radio ( TDR) and the Iowa Pork Producers Association (IPPA) have taken their nutritional message beyond the airwaves by creating wrestling themed retail displays and recipe brochures. The campaign, titled "Pin and Win with Pork" was launched recently during Iowa's wildly popular State Fair. Free recipes were provided to the throngs of people visiting the IPPA fair location during the week long event. In total, nearly 100,000 prepared pork products were served at the IPPA location during the fair.

    "The real message here is proper nutrition, managing weight, and working toward peak performance" offered TDR founder and host Scott Casber. "This promotion creates a highly visible and attractive means to reinforce that message while providing additional value to consumers" Casber added. TDR will display the promotion during the numerous live broadcasts it provides from major wrestling competitions throughout the country during the upcoming wrestling season. Displays are also being provided to retail marketing partners including grocery, drug, and sporting goods merchants.

    "We're a day in and day out sponsor of TDR and a huge wrestling supporter", stated IPPA's Joyce Hoppes. "We believe we've created a new way to show our support as well as providing a fun promotion for a wide array of outlets" Hoppes concluded. Counter displays and four color recipe brochures are available without charge to retailers, schools, universities, wrestling camps, and sports programs.

    The promotion runs throughout the 2007-2008 wrestling season and will be featured on TDR's weekly broadcasts as well as additional live programming. TDR is heard Saturday mornings 9-11 AM on Des Moines Sports Station, KXNO1460 and around the world on takedownradio.com. Additionally, TDR has added international syndication through matchannel.com, Mat-magazine.com based throughout Europe.

    Counter displays and recipe cards can be requested by calling TDR at (515) 274-0849 or by email at arns.chris@gmail.com

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